Subject: [UW!] - Umbrella Complex, Section D-4, 6:00pm

From: marius450@aol.communism (...)

Date: Mon, 06 September 1999 05:29 PM EDT

Message-id: <>


There was an audible snap as the guard brought his gun out, his face impassive

behind a mask of black rubber.

"Jesus...", Asellus mumbled in surprise, her cigarette falling from her mouth.

The hallway on D-4 level was a small one, it's offices devoted mainly to the

study of protein strains in various micro-organisms. It wasn't exactly a top

secret area, and yet as the elevator doors sluggishly parted, Asellus found

herself staring down the barrell of an assault rifle. Farther down the hall

the clamor of more guards was apparent. "What the hell is this all about?"

She flashed her security card, one eyebrow raised in contempt. "Happy?" The

picture was absolutely horrible, taken directly after her five hour briefing

when she had initially begun work for Umbrella, but it was good enough. The

guard made no move, the gun still staring her in the face with one

all-consuming cyclopean eye. Finally he spoke, his visor shining in the

artificial light, making him look more like a grotesque black insect than a

man. "You're supposed to wear your identification card at all times Ms.

Bradley." Asellus furrowed her brow in disgust, shaking her head. "What the

hell are you even doing here? I'm the only goddamn intern that's scheduled for

tonight, and this section is level 1 restricted. A civilian with a doctor's

note could get clearance for this fucking place! Who the hell were you

expecting?" The guard lowered his gun, almost reluctantly, when he spoke again

his voice was tinny as it passed through his mask's filter. "Something has

come up. Umbrella is taking extra security measures to avoid an accident.

Your project is being confiscated for additional research." Asellus' eyes

widened, her jaw dropping slightly in surprise, despite herself.

"You're doing what?!?!"

The shatter of glass rang out farther down the hallway, another guard stepping

from one of the farther doors and approaching the two, clad in the same

containment gear. Asellus knew what was going on. It had happened to her

father too before the accident. If Umbrella got too interested in what you

were doing... they took it from you. Looking over the guard's shoulder she

noted with no small amount of alarm that the door to her office was wide open,

papers strewn about on the hallway floor. "No!!", she cried, pushing her way

past the first guard, "Jesus what are you doing!!" The second guard

intercepted her halfway down the hall, his voice calm despite her frantic

struggling. "Ms. Bradley I'm going to have to escort you out of this section,

you no longer have clearance for this project." "The hell I don't!", she

brought her knee hard up against the guard's crotch, causing him to topple over

despite the protective cup his uniform provided. With a grunt Asellus stumbled

past him, racing for the door to her office.

Papers strewn about were the least of her problems it seemed. Her desk had

been toppled over, her folders and files in dissarray, and what was more... all

her specimens had been broken, their contents dripping somberly from their

shelves. Her mind was racing. Roughly she was seized from behind. "What the

fuck do you think you guys are -" Her voice was greeted only by the snap of

the butt of an assault rifle against her face. She wavered, the warm sensation

of blood filling her mouth before she passed out, her body falling with a soft

thud against the carpeted floor.

The first guard leaned down, checking for a pulse. "She's out cold, I'll take

her to a containment cell, they'll brief her later. Are we done here?" With a

crash the computer monitor fell to the floor, the hard drive smoking as a spray

of bullets twisted it's mechanics to shrapnel. The second guard nodded, his

eyes cold behind their visor.

"We are now."

Lifting her limp body gingerly, they proceeded out the office, the crunching of

glass greeted their footsteps as they left the remains of section D-4 behind.

Sliding the access card through it's respective slot, the elevator proceeded

with a hum to the lower levels of the Umbrella complex. Asellus mumbling

slightly, before falling once again into unconsciousness.

To be continued.
