Subject: [UW!] The Agent

From: Michael Schmidt

Date: Fri, 03 September 1999 03:22 AM EDT

Message-id: <7qnt7s$>

Too many things were happening too fast. Agent Davin Essburke had

just gotten off the phone with one of his fellow agents, Seth Mackenzen.

The man's voice had a slight touch of fear and sickness when he told

Dave that at least a dozen people had been murdered at Raccoon Retreat,

the resort area somewhat near the old site of the Arklay Mansion. Damn,

couldn't the problems around that site just dissappear? The stress of

the moment was too great for him, and he furiously massaged his temples.

He knew he must've looked like crap--his black suit was all wrinkled,

but he could care less. All of these problems posed far too many

questions about Umbrella's competence.

Out of nervousness, he began to arrange the incoming reports around

his desk. Reports of zombie dogs. One report of a supposedly dead human

being rising up and attacking someone. The dozen or so missing people.

And now these murders. According to the report that was brought to him,

they had been chopped into chunky kibbles. And that led him to think

that Umbrella may have had a slip-up in their security department. Hmm,

Dave thought, their new specimens must've proved too much to handle. He

had been informed that within the past few months, the mansion site had

been excavated, revealing a chamber of the underground lab that had not

been crushed beneath the rubble. Luckily for Umbrella, the chamber

contained embryos of certain B.O.W.'s that were seemingly hard to

replicate. With the notes made by Birkin lost in the decimation of his

lab last year, the company made poor attempts at restructuring some of

the specimens. At one of the new research facilities he visited about 7

months back, he had seen some of these miserable creatures.

He was escorted to the holding area by a nameless Umbrella guard

wearing the standard gas mask and heavy armor. When he reached the

holding pens, there were about 15 creatures in the heavily-barred cages.

The Ma-121's were very sickly and weak; most of them lied inert on the

dirty floors of their cages. Some seemed to be nearing death. Davin

recalled their unearthly screams of anguish as they writhed about on the

floor; he shuddered at its memory. The first new generation of Hunters

(the apt designation of the Ma-121's) was a total disappointment to

Umbrella. As he crossed over to the other side of the room, he came upon

the Ma-2's. Unlike the 121's, the Chimeras were unbelievably active.

Some were thrashing around in their steel barred cages, screeching and

making quite a rattle. It looked as if they had mutilated themselves

with the long, serrated claw located on their right hand. One of the

keepers said it was quite a fearful struggle keeping them fed. But he

would not be doing any of that today. He certainly did not want to see

them eat.

As he continued down the row of mentally deficient mesh monkeys, he

found one that seemed to be fine when he approached it. The creature was

standing straight up on its hind legs, wobbling, and staring straight

forward with its empty eyes. He had always noticed something about the

Chimeras: they were the only creature that Umbrella had made that

actually scared him. The Hunters? They were just overgrown lizards. The

Lickers? They were quite an aesthetic piece of work, but nothing close

to this. The Chimera continued to stare, and then moved toward the bars

of the cage chittering. Davin let out a short yelp, but restrained

himself and began to move back nearer the wall. As he turned his head

away from the curious beast, he decided he had seen enough failures and

gestured to the Umbrella Guard to unlock the door; he was going to

leave. As he walked toward the guard, who had his back to him, he heard

an electronic hiss. It seemed out of place, but he figured it must just

be a door opening elsewhere in the building. Not in this room. No. He

dismissed the idea.

When he heard the thing shriek, he turned around and saw it leaping

towards him. The next events happened so fast, within seconds, but he

remembered every detail. The thing swiping its claw at him in mid-swing.

The claw connecting and tearing off a good-sized chunk of his left

bicep. The thing's weight crashing into him as it knocked him down. Its

fetid stench of decay hanging over him as it screamed its cry of

victory. The small yellow teeth and the blood-rimmed ghostly eyes that

were nearing his own face. And finally the hail of machinegun fire that

ended the creature's life in a torrent of blood.

Its final scream repeated in his mind as he was rushed through the

steel hallways to the infirmary by the guard who saved his life. And in

the aftermath of it all, he had learned that it happened because of a

downed security breaker. Security never seemed to be something Umbrella

was proficient in.

He sighed as he snapped back to real life and felt the indent in his

arm that the Chimera had left him. A gory parting present. But he

shouldn't be concentrating on the past, no. He should be reviewing his

mission: to deter anyone from visiting the site of the Arklay Mansion.

He wasn't sure why he was assigned this task; he just followed orders.

He had heard various rumors, such as the possibility of a new, rebuilt

underground lab that was researching B.O.W.'s. He'd also heard that

something else important besides the embryos had been found there, and

they didn't want anyone to know about it.

And something had happened in Raccoon Forest. Certainly, the

creatures who did this couldn't be from the mansion incident--he was

sure they'd be long dead. So what caused this atrocity at Raccoon

Retreat? They couldn't have been done by the Ma-39's; the bodies were in

too many pieces. The Tyrants, Lickers, Ivies, and other mutations were

also unlikely culprits. No, work like that was done by either Hunters or

Chimeras. Oh God, he thought to himself, why does Umbrella let these

things slip? Next thing you know, zombies will be repopulating Raccoon.

Now that would be horrible. But the monsters who did this are horrible

enough. He took another look at his arm and shuddered.

Suddenly, the phone rang at his desk. "Hello?" Davin said, the words

sounding hollow in his plain, empty office.

A deep, unwavering voice responded. "Mr. Essburke?" Davin was aware

this was his boss from Umbrella.

"Yes sir?"

"Based on the records you obtained from Raccoon Resort, not everyone

was killed at the forest resort. We believe someone has survived."

Davin knew this situation well. In Umbrella's dirty work, survivors

who had seen something they shouldn't were terminated. In this case, he

knew there could be a risk the person who escaped had found the ruins of

the mansion, or somehow linked Umbrella to the attacking creatures. "Who

is it?"

His boss paused. "It is a young girl." As the man described her,

Dave felt rather insulted to even look for her. If the dogs hadn't

killed her yet, the hunters would. Why should he be sent out to do this?

But he remembered the girl who survived the old, decaying Raccoon...

Sherry, was it? I guess if one can do it, another one might be able to.

And why should he complain? The pay was fantastic.

He cackled to himself as he responded to the Umbrella man. "Yes sir.

Should I head out to the area around the resort?"

"No. Wait a day or two. See if the girl resurfaces. If she does, get

a record of the police investigation and try to follow her. If she

doesn't resurface, search for her corpse."

"Yes, sir. I'll do that, sir." Davin said with a tone of confidence.

"Good." The phone clicked off. The lone Umbrella agent in the FBI

branch of Raccoon hung up and sighed. He himself hoped the girl would

make it out of the woods. Whatever was in those woods he could probably

handle, true. But if there turned out to be Chimeras... Davin sighed

again and unholstered his AMT Bull's-Eye Target. He gazed at it with

longing, as if it were his only friend in the world. And if he were to

go into the forest, it would be. For now, he told himself, watch and

wait. Watch and wait...

Ok, that was my first ever posted fanfic. Please give me some feedback,

like things I should be doing better, technical problems, etc... thanks

for putting up with me.