Subject: [UW!] Skyler Part 9

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Mon, 06 September 1999 10:52 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef8da$87ea70c0$31248fd1@default>

The Office of White Umbrella, Umbrella’s European Headquarters:

Carl’s boot heels pocked on the cold grey marble of the large office’s

floor as he walked toward the expansive oak desk that sat in the shadows at

the far end. He was nervous, very few people had a face to face meeting

with White Umbrella, and even fewer lived to tell about it.

Carl was no coward but he knew the type of research that Umbrella

performed but he always put it out of his mind when he checked on the Swiss

Bank account where his money was deposited weekly.

“That’s far enough Mr. Garibaldi,” White Umbrella said from behind his

desk, the large leather executive’s chair that he sat in squeaked as he

adjusted his position.

His forehead was beaded with cold sweat as he stopped where he was, in the

middle of a large Umbrella Logo that had been made of red and white marble

that flowed seamlessly in with the other marble flooring.

“You called for me Sir,” he said after swallowing.

“Yes I did Carl, it seems we may have another incident occurring in Racoon

City,” White Umbrella said lighting a cigar, the match was only lit for a

second but Carl didn’t even catch a glimpse of the man.

“Incident Sir,” Carl said knowing full well what he meant.

“Yes I want you to keep tabs on a couple of people, if they get to close

to the truth I want you to eliminate them, and if the Incident gets anymore

drastic I want you to kill every living and Un-living thing in that town,

is that understood Mr. Garibaldi,” White Umbrella said the barely hidden

menace covered by the man’s smooth voice.

“What about our agents and employees currently in the area Sir,” Garibaldi


“They are expendable,” White Umbrella said coldly and swivelled in his

chair in dismissal of Garibaldi.

“Yes Sir,” and Garibaldi did an about face and walked back out of the room

and shut the doors behind him quietly until he heard the catch snick into

place and he slumped against the doors with a sigh of relief. He walked

back into the waiting room and the secretary handed him a thick manilla

envelope, accepting it he left the office area and rode the elevator down

to the 13th floor and sat down in his seat in his office and opened the

envelope and spilled it’s contents out on the table.

The first one was a picture of a man in his late twenties to early

thirties, he was wearing a Marine uniform and a black beret was at a jaunty

angle on his head, the man was smiling but he had the cold eyes of a

trained killer, he had thick brown hair but streaks of gray were running

through it. Carl hoped he had didn’t have to face the man one on one,

because he wasn’t sure if he would be able to take the muscular man.

The picture was followed by a report on the man:

Full Name: Skyler Keaton Davis Age: 30 Weight: 198lbs. Height: 6' 1"

Personality: An outgoing person but tends to keep to himself at times,

this man is extremely dangerous.

Occupation: Former Marine Force Recon Sergeant; Retired, but owns

a few businesses in Racoon City that he inherited from his sister upon

her death, he has also invested heavily in the stock market.

Living Relatives: None, all dead, plus his Fiancee was killed in a car

crash a few years earlier.

Combat Skills: As stated earlier Former Marine Force Recon, spent eight

years in the Marines, knows several forms of unarmed combat including

Judo, Savate, and Tai-Chi. Is proficient in most small arms, also has

demolitions training and is a crack-shot, also has taken several


driving courses.

“You’re a rather dangerous man Mr. Davis,” Garibaldi whispered to himself.

The next item in the stack of papers was a photo of black man with salt

and pepper hair wearing an Arklay County Sheriffs Department uniform and

after that was a dossier on the man.

Full Name: Henry Adams Tailor Age: 37 Weight: 200lbs. Height: 6' 2"

Personality: Friendly outgoing and well liked by everyone that knows


Occupation: Former Army Corporal (4 years); Currently is the Chief

Deputy of the Arklay County Sheriffs Department and acting Chief of

Police in Racoon City, (15 years).

Living Relatives: Brother in Oklahoma, and Sister and Niece living in

Beaver Ridge.

Combat Skills: Four years of military experience and is a tough as nails

officer and is considered fair by both people and fellow officers, 15

years as a Sheriff’s deputy.

“Not quite as dangerous as Mr. Davis but dangerous nonetheless,” he

thought to himself, getting up he made a phone call and packed a small bag

from the wardrobe that he kept in his office and left the building heading

for the airport.

* * * * * *

Skyler and Cassandra finished their lunch and decided to go check out the

Racoon Retreat and see if possibly they could dig up any clues on the

missing tourists.

Cassandra parked the car in the lot and they walked to the main building

both of them carrying their automatic weapons.

“Look out,” Skyler shouted and shoved Cassandra out of the way and brought

the Thompson up tugging the trigger, fifteen steel-jacketed rounds impacted

with the side of the skinned dog that had been preparing to leap at

Cassandra and it juddered in a death dance and then lay on the ground dead.

“Damn,” that was close she breathed.

“Let’s get out of here before anymore unfriendlies show up,” he said

helping her up and they raced for the car forgoing searching the hotel.

As they were heading back down the road another one of the dogs ran out in

front of the car and Cassandra floored it hitting the dog, it flipped up

over the hood and bounced onto the roof and slid off the back with a yelp

and lay still and they continued back to town.

“I’m not liking this one bit,” Skyler said.

“Yeah it seems things are getting worse,” Cassandra agreed.

“You know what,” Skyler said, “I think it’s time we looked at some old

case files.”

Cassandra nodded and drove them back to the RPD building and they started

going through the old case files, three hours and several pots of coffee

later they tracked down Tailor to his office and talked to him.

“As near as I can figure Umbrella is behind all this,” Skyler said

finishing up his and Cassandra’s findings.

“I had a similar thought myself,” Tailor said musingly, “I think it’s time

we paid Umbrella a little visit,” he said standing up.

“Cassandra stay here with Heather okay, Henry and I’ll take care of this,”

Skyler said and stood up himself.

“Sure,” Cassandra said and left the room to go talk to Heather.

“You ready,” Tailor asked?

“As I’ll ever be,” Skyler replied.

The two of them didn’t speak much on the way to the Umbrella plant on the

outskirts of town and they arrived twenty minutes later.

Both men were grim-faced as they walked into the main reception area and

started walking passed the horse shoe shaped reception desk.

“Just where the hell do you two think your going,” a security guard asked

angrily and started to reach for his gun.

“You mind,” Skyler said to Tailor.

“Be my guest,” he said shrugging.

Before the guard had his gun out of his holster Skyler punched him in the

jaw sending him to the floor unconscious, “anywhere we damned well please


“Glass jaw,” Tailor asked?

Skyler just nodded grinning and the two continued into the offices of the


“Can I help you,” the secretary asked as they entered the plant manager’s


“Yes, we would like to speak to the Plant Manager,” Tailor said taking the


“Hold on one second,” the secretary said and pushed an intercom button.

“Yes what is it,” and irritated voice said over the intercom.

“Two officers are here to see you Sir,” she said.

“Send them in, send them in,” the voice said turning politician oily.

Looking up she spoke to Tailor and Skyler, “Mr. Calhoun will see you now.”

Burnson Calhoun was fat little round man with a sweaty palm and an oily

politicians voice and Skyler felt like he needed to wash his hand after

shaking the man’s hand.

“What can I do for you gentlemen today,” he asked.

“We are just making a routine check and making sure that everything is in

order,” Tailor said.

“Everything is fine gentlemen, I assure you,” Burnson said his beady eyes

getting a little suspicious.

“I’d also like to see your building permits for the new construction,”

Tailor said.

“Why do you need to see them,” Burnson asked suspiciously?

“I’m just making sure everything is up to date and code,” Tailor replied


“Of course, of course,” Burnson said a little relieved and he got up and

left the room.

Tailor looked at Skyler, “Five minutes tops, so we better make it quick,”

Skyler said and they hurriedly searched the room, the only thing they found

was a pair of smelly socks in one of Calhoun’s drawers and a diskette that

Skyler had fished out of the trash labeled L7SR they were both back in

their seats before Calhoun returned.

“Here they are gentlemen,” Calhoun said handing the permits to Tailor.

“They seem to be all in order,” Tailor said flipping through them and

giving them a cursory glance before handing them back.

“Is there anything else I can do for you gentlemen today,” Calhoun asked.

“No that’ll be all,” Tailor said and they left the office.

After they had left Calhoun sat down at his desk the sweat finally pouring

out of him like a river and he hurriedly dialed a number, “They are

starting to get suspicious,” he told the person on the other end.

“Don’t worry I’ve taken care of it,” the person said and hung up.


J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness