Subject: [UW!] Skyler part 8

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Sun, 05 September 1999 08:14 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef7fb$425b8a60$63248fd1@default>

Skyler and Cassandra were having breakfast when Tailor called.

“They did what,” Skyler spluttered spilling coffee on the table. “Alright,

yes, we’ll be there as soon as possible,” he assured Tailor and punched the

cordless phone off and laid it on the table.

“I don’t like that look on your face,” Cassandra said suspiciously.

“The bodies that they recovered from the Racoon Retreat have disappeared,”

he told her.

“They did what,” she said unintentionally mimicking Skyler with an

incredulous look on his face.

“Uh, well he thinks they just got up and left,” he said slowly weighing

each word.

“You’re kidding right, please tell me you are kidding,” she said folding

the copy of City Side she had been reading and laid it on the table.

“I don’t think he was kidding, I think he was very serious,” Skyler said

and hurriedly ate the last piece of bacon on his plate and then standing up

and putting both of their dishes in the sink.

“Well I guess we better get down to the RPD building then,” she said

standing and grabbed her denim jacket off of the back of the chair and

slipping into it.

“You’re right, I told him we would be there as soon as possible,” he said

agreeing and shrugging into a corduroy blazer that had been hanging from a

peg by the door.

The two of them hopped into the Monte Carlo and sped out of the driveway

and raced for the RPD building, Skyler was barely able to keep himself from

flooring the car and speeding.

* * * * * *

“Well they’ll probably be here soon,” Tailor told Heather who was sitting

on a small couch in his office, a card table was standing in front of, on

it was the young girl’s stripped down gun and a cleaning kit. Tailor had

finally relented and gotten her the cleaning kit as well as a holster for

the gun, and had also given her some shooting lessons at the downtown

holding facility’s shooting range.

He had been highly surprised at how well she had handled herself last

night with the.., the.., “go ahead and say it Henry,” he said to himself,

“the zombie,” he said out loud barely whispering the word.

* * * * * *

Jack had been an agent for only five years but in that time had excelled

at all his duties, but unfortunately for his superiors he had one failing,

a conscience. It had gotten him into trouble many times, especially when he

questioned orders that had been given to him. And now here he was in Racoon

saddled with half-a-dozen of the agencies worst agents. “At least Davin

isn’t an idiot like the others,” he thought, “thank god for small favors.”

And now to top it all off he had just gotten a call from Deputy Tailor

saying that all the bodies had disappeared.

“What next,” he moaned out loud to his empty office as he went out the


* * * * * *

Everyone arrived at the police station about the same time and Tailor

ushered them into the first floor briefing room, he counted heads as he

scanned the room making sure everyone was there.

Deputies Jackson and Fuller were there sitting near the front of the room,

Trooper Norris and Agent Damon were at the back of the room talking

quietly, Cassandra and Skyler were sitting near the middle of the room, and

Charlie was sitting nervously off to one side. Tailor himself was standing

behind the podium at the front of the room and Heather was seated at a

table off to one side.

“Only nine of us,” he thought and shook his head mentally.

“Alright folks let’s recap from the beginning here; so far we have a dozen

missing people, Cassandra and Skyler were attacked by some kind of skinned

dogs, as well as some nasty green creatures with big claws, they also found

the remains of two Forest Rangers who had been brutally ripped apart. The

Racoon Retreat was attacked and the staff that had been present were all

killed horribly, and most of the guests are still missing. We had the

attack at the lounge last night and Charlie was attacked by something at

his mother’s house a few days ago. And now to crown everything folks all

the bodies are now missing,” Tailor paused for a heartbeat sipping from a

glass of water and continued.

“This is probably going to sound pretty lame but does anyone have any

ideas what we should do,” he asked?

Total bewildered silence greeted his question and he scanned the room

hoping someone would say something, finally he sighed and suggested the

only thing he could think of, “Well the only thing I can suggest at the

moment is to keep moving around and keep an eye on things.”

“Sam I want you and Fuller to stick to your regular Patrol routes, just

act normal as if nothing is happening, and for Pete’s sake stay as far from

the press as possible, thankfully most of the reporters in town are only

for the small papers that are here, but if this get’s out we’ll have a

media spectacle.”

The two Deputies nodded but Fuller didn’t look to happy about it.

“Charlie why don’t you ride with Trooper Norris he’ll show you the ropes

as best he can,” Tailor said and Charlie glanced nervously at Norris who

gave him a reassuring grin and he relaxed a little.

“Damon, find out what you can from your contacts in the FBI if you will,”

Tailor asked?

“Sure no problem,” he said.

“Skyler, Cass I don’t think I need to tell you what to do,” he finished


They both nodded grimly and everyone started to stand up.

“Oh and one other thing, you guys have full access to the armory in the

basement,” Tailor told them, and then watched as they trooped out of the


After everyone left Tailor turned to Heather, “So what are we going to do

now,” she asked?

“The only thing we can do,” he said.

“And what is that?”

“Wait,” he said grimly and the two of them left the station and climbed

into his cruiser and they started driving aimlessly looking for something.

* * * * * *

The first thing Skyler did upon leaving the briefing room was make a

beeline for the Armory. He entered the small cramped room and scanned

through the weapons, he passed over racks of Remington 870 and M1100

shotguns, and skipped over a rack holding CAR-15s and AR-15s and another

one holding a variety of automatic weapons. He finally came across what he

was hoping to find.

“Sweet,” he said aloud.

“What’s sweet,” Cassandra asked absently as she pulled extra magazines and

ammo out of a drawer for the Micro Uzi that she had elected to borrow from

the armory.

“This,” Skyler said grinning and holding up a dusty West Hurley model

1928M1 Thompson machine gun. It had been nicknamed the Chicago Piano by the

Mafia in the ‘40's and had been very popular with both organized crime,

police, and military at the time, almost every older police agency in the

country still had at least one in their weapons stores, it was also one of

the nastiest weapons ever made.

“That things ancient,” Cassandra protested.

“An oldie but a goody,” he replied still smiling like kid in a candy shop

as he pulled drawers open searching for spare magazines. “Ah-ha,” he crowed

pulling two dust covered 30-round stick magazines out of the drawer, with

those and the 75-round drum that was in the gun itself, that gave him

135-rounds of .45 caliber firepower.

The Thompson had a relatively low cyclic-rate but hardly anything could

stand up to the wall of .45 slugs that it could throw up.

The two of them dumped extra ammo in a satchel and Skyler slung it over

his shoulder and they left the armory and headed back to the car. Cassandra

drove while Skyler cleaned the Thompson then loaded spare magazines for

both weapons.

After finishing the tedious task he cracked his knuckles and flexed his

hands several times. “I always hated loading magazines, I should have

grabbed a loader when we were in the armory.”

“Oh poor baby,” Cassandra said grinning at him wickedly.

“You know you are one mean lady, Miss Matthews,” he said grinning back.

“It’s in the genes,” she said still kidding and nearly hitting a person as

they ran out in front of their car, Cassandra let the horn blow but the

person didn’t acknowledge the fact except to give them the finger.

“I’m hungry,” Skyler said as they started moving again.

“We just ate an hour and a half ago,” Cassandra said eyeing her watch.

“Yeah but I’m still a growing boy,” he told her and she finally relented

pulling into a space in front of Emmy’s diner.

Sitting at the counter in the diner they ordered and when the food arrived

Skyler showed more of his natural good-humor.

“Mm-mm, my favorites, cholesterol, fat, grease, and sodium,” he said and

bit a large hunk out of his hamburger.

Cassandra just rolled her eyes and cut off a piece of the grilled chicken

breast she had ordered and ate it.

* * * * * *

Fuller was mad as he climbed into his patrol car. How’s come Tailor had

let the others do important things while he was stuck responding to calls

from cranky old women and getting some dumb kids pet out of a tree.

“I’ll show them I’m no dummy,” he thought to himself and left the RPD

parking lot leaving behind a trail of black rubber.

“Don’t be so nervous Charlie,” Trooper Norris told Hamilton as he pulled

up to the drive thru window and accepted the large cups of coffee they had


“I can’t help it Trooper Norris,” Charlie said.

“Just call me Norris,” he said trying to relieve some tension and pulled

out of the fast food places parking lot and into the road.

“Okay, I’ll try to relax,” Charlie said.

“That’s good,” Norris said, “Oh and Charlie.”


“Stop fiddling with that shotgun before you shoot both of us,” Norris said


Charlie just said oh and put Tailor’s Mossberg in the back seat, Tailor

had given it to him the other night when he found out all that Charlie had

was a handgun.

“Thank you.”


J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness