Subject: [UW!] Skyler part 7

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Sat, 04 September 1999 03:33 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef70a$e2d201a0$57248fd1@default>

Skyler snapped the flip on the Iridium shut and breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s up,” Cassandra asked lacing up her hiking boots.

“Tailor found Heather, or rather she found him,” Skyler explained with a

relieved expression on his face.

“That’s good, That kid has a lot of spunk but she’s still awfully young,”

Cassandra said.

“Don’t I know it,” Skyler said grinning remembering some of the rather

colorful language that Heather had used when they first met. “Do you have a

place to stay,” He asked turning more towards Cassandra.

“No, I figured I would get a hotel,” she told him after pausing and

thinking for a moment.

“No need to do that, you can crash at my place,” He told her.

“Thanks, I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” she said wincing

slightly as the stitches pulled at the wound in her shoulder when she stood


“How many stitches anyway,” Skyler asked curiously?

“Fifteen of them,” she said making a face.

“Well at least you’re still alive,” He said.

“Thanks to you ,” she said.

Skyler looked sheepish for a second, “Uh well it was nothing really, You

want to get something to eat,” he asked changing the subject quickly.

“Sure, I could eat a bear at this point in time,” She said.

Skyler laughed for a second, “bear I don’t know about, but I think we can

find a couple steaks at the Racoon Lodge Lounge.”

“I’m up for it,” she said.

“Great let’s go then,” he said leading the way out of the hospital room

and through the sliding glass doors of the hospital proper and onto the

green that was in front, he lead her over to a black ‘78 Monte Carlo that

was sitting in the lot.

“Where did you get this at,” she asked?

“The impound yard, the owner died during the incident last year and Tailor

let me have it for fifty bucks,” He explained.

“Nice wheels,” she said admiringly.

And she was absolutely correct, the black body was highly polished as were

the hundred spoke Dayton rims and it was also a t-top, Skyler had removed

the two pieces and stuck them in the trunk earlier that day, both his and

Cassandra’s shotguns were sitting on the back seat a small duffel bag was

on the floor filled with shells as well as spare magazines and ammo for

both of their handguns.

“Do we really need all this firepower,” she asked.

“After what happened in the woods you need to ask that,” he said a bit


“Well, I...,” she trailed off.

“Sorry, I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, I shouldn’t have snapped

like that,” he apologized opening the car door for her.

“That’s alright I’m tired myself,” she said deflecting his apology.

“Right,” he said and jogged around to the other side of the car and hopped

in, “let’s go eat.”

“Man after my own heart,” she said smiling.

* * * * *

Tailor set the phone back in it’s cradle and turned back to Heather who

was still finishing her dinner.

“Who were you talking to,” she asked a little suspiciously?

“That was just Skyler,” he explained, “he was a little worried about you

when you ran off.”

“How is his girlfriend doing,” she asked?

“I don’t think she’s his girlfriend,” Tailor said, “but she’s doing okay

they were just getting ready to leave the hospital when I called him.”

“If they aren’t dating they sure are pretty familiar with each other,”

Heather said.

Tailor shook his head and chuckled, one things for sure kids were

perceptive, Heather reminded him a lot of his own niece, Terry when she was

that age.

“So what do we do now,” she asked eating the last piece of pasta?

“Well since you became a human vacuum cleaner and ate all my food,” we

have to go shopping,” he said.

* * * * *

It took Skyler and Cassandra about fifteen minutes to get to the Racoon

Lodge and they were seated immediately, there weren’t very many people

there, only about three or four others, which Skyler preferred it that way,

he always like quiet dinners, nothing to loud or noisy for him when trying

to digest food.

“I’m Wendy I’ll be your server this evening,” the perky brunette said and

then took their orders.

“I’ll have a bowl of stew to start with and then your thickest, juiciest

steak,” Skyler told her and folded the menu handing it back to her.

“I’ll have a salad and ditto on the steak,” Cassandra told the young


“Alright I’ll get your drinks and then your food will be out in about

twenty minutes,” she said and walked off to the kitchen.

“So how long have you been a forest ranger,” Skyler asked?

“Oh, about two years, before that I kinda drifted around the country,”

Cassandra replied.

Before Skyler could ask another question a scream floated out from the

kitchen and they were both up in a flash running past the other startled

diners, guns in hand.

Skyler slammed through the swinging doors and pulled up short Cassandra

barely having time to stop behind him. In the kitchen cooks and dishwashers

were cowering from a figure that staggered through the room, a reeking

fetid odor, that stank of decay. One of the cooks was backing away from the

figure a bloody wound in his shoulder.

“FREEZE! POLICE!,” Skyler shouted at the figure.

The figure turned slowly towards his voice and Skyler wrinkled his noise,

at the stench, he remembered it well from his days in the Marines, days old

death, the figure stank of it and it made his stomach clench involuntarily.

The figure had finally turned towards, him and raised it’s arms as if

reaching for him and a gurgling moan of hunger came from it’s throat and he

saw that it’s eyes were filmy with cataracts, not hesitating he pulled the

trigger of the .41 twice, the rounds slammed into it’s chest puffs of dust

flying into the air and an even more horrid stench filled the room, as a

noxious looking fluid flowed from the hole, but it continued to walk

towards him, he pulled the trigger once more and both round drilled through

it’s forehead snapping it back and spraying the people behind it with

brain, bone, and blood. The figure folded in half at the waist and slid to

the floor where it twitched for a few seconds and then lay still.

“What was it,” Cassandra asked her forehead was beaded with cold sweat,

just like Skyler’s.

“I don’t know,” he said, turning to the other people in the room he

started giving orders, falling back into his Marine Sgt.’s voice, “Alright

everyone if you got so much as a drop of that stuff on you wash it off

immediately. You,” Skyler said pointing at a waiter that had just entered

the room, “get that man’s wound cleaned out now.”

As everyone scrambled to do what he had ordered he considered the body

laying on the floor at his feet, “It can’t possibly be what I think it is,”

he thought to himself, “but what else could it be,” another part of his

mind argued. Shaking himself he turned to Cassandra, “Cass can you get the

guests out of here, and call Tailor get him over here right now, make sure

there is no one in here besides the staff and us.”

“Right,” she said nodding her head and running out of the door.

“Oh and Cass,” he said.

“Yeah,” she questioned over her shoulder one hand gripping her SIG tightly

the other pushing the door halfway open.

“Be careful,” he said and winked.

She winked back and left the kitchen.

Skyler walked to the outside entrance to the kitchen and locked the door,

he then walked back over to where the body was laying and sighed, leaning

against the counter. Considering for a moment staring down at the body he

pulled out his cigarettes and lit one up with a battered zippo that had a

Marine Corps emblem on one side.

“I’m sure he won’t mind,” Skyler thought to himself still staring at the

stinking dead corpse.

* * * * *

Cassandra first called the Police and instead of getting Deputy Tailor

ended up speaking to Sgt. Jackson.

“Yeah I’ll buzz him here in another minute, but he’s out of his car at the

moment, and I think he forgot is walk-around,” Jackson explained but

promised to send Deputy Fuller and Trooper Norris over to back her and

Skyler up.

“Thanks, Sgt. Jackson,” she said before hanging up the phone. After

hanging up the phone she evacuated the guests, there were only ten in the

entire hotel and then rounded up the rest of the hotel staff, she then

waited in the dining room with them for backup to arrive. The waiter had

bound the cook’s wound, it had been nothing more than a shallow bite mark

but he kept scratching at it irritably and the waiter kept telling him to


Ignoring what the staff was doing she walked back to the front of the

hotel and walked around a bit to work off some of her nervous energy that

had built up, plus her shoulder was throbbing to beat the band something


She was still pacing around the lobby when Norris and Fuller arrived half

and hour later followed by Agent Damon and another FBI agent that had a

sullen expression on his face.

“What happened,” Damon asked after introductions were made.

Before Cassandra could answer there were horrified shrieks and screams

from the dining room and all five of them raced into the room to see the

cook ripping out the waiter’s throat and then tossing the body aside and

going after Wendy the waitress who was shaking in fear and trapped in the


Cassandra saw Skyler burst back into the kitchen and then all hell broke

loose everyone opened fire at the same time, over thirty rounds of .357,

9mm, .45, and .41 entered the cooks body but he still kept going after the


“Go for the head,” Skyler shouted frantically pulling a fresh magazine out

and dumping the empty to the floor.

Damon was the only one in the room who still had ammo in his gun and he

brought his Colt 1991a1 .45 up and put three rounds into the cooks head

dropping him.

“What the hell is going on here, first demon dogs, then some green

creatures that look like overgrown lizards and now some guy who can take

over thirty rounds and still move around,” Fuller screamed hysterically.

Skyler, was across the room and at the man in less then five steps, his

hand swung back and he belted the cop open handed right in the face

snapping his head back and rocking him in his boots. “Pull yourself

together dammit, this isn’t the time or place to freak out, we are all

scared, so deal with it.”

Fuller just rubbed his face were Skyler’s hand was now imprinted in red on

his face and glared back at him with dark eyes.

“This one’s going to be trouble,” Skyler thought to himself eyeing Fuller



J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness