Subject: [UW!] Skyler part 6

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Fri, 03 September 1999 09:58 AM EDT

Message-id: <01bef612$dd15f300$29248fd1@default>

Tailor turned away from Charlie for a second and walked over to FBI Agent

Damon and whispered into his ear for a second, the younger man nodded a few

times and then walked back to his car that one of the Deputies had

retrieved for him a few minutes earlier. Leaning through the window he

picked up the CB mike that was dangling from the dash and keyed it, “Yeah,

Dan, this is Jack I need you to round up a few of the guys that aren’t to

drunk or aren’t still in jail,” Damon started his voice laced with sarcasm

and contempt for the way the older agent’s were acting, “and bring them up

here to the Racoon Retreat and block off the road,” he listened for a

second, “no not in an hour, right goddam now,” Jack yelled into the CB mike

and the others looked at him, “Satisfied with the answer he got from the

other FBI agent he hung up the mike and turned back to Tailor and the


“We should have someone here in a few minutes to block off the road,” he

told them.

“‘Bout time you yelled at them,” Tailor said grinning, and Damon found

himself grinning back actually feeling better at the way he had shouted at

the other agent.

“Oh, almost forgot,” Tailor said smacking his forehead with the palm of

his hand. “Jack Damon this is Charlie Hamilton, he’s thinking about joining

S.T.A.R.S.; Charlie this is Agent Jack Damon, he’s in charge of the FBI

contingent in town.”

“Unfortunately,” Damon said sourly.

Tailor chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry you’ll do

fine,” he assured the man.

“Henry,” Sam Jackson called out.

“Yeah, what is it Sam.”

“The wagons and the coroner are on their way up the trail now, and the

feds are right behind them blocking off the road as ordered.”

“Good at least something is going right in this looney tune day,” Tailor


The coroner pulled up with one of the Deputies that Tailor had called for

the three meat wagons right behind it, the convoy stopped for a second and

the Coroner, Steve Geil, traded his seat to Deputy Fuller who pointed

directions out and the convoy continued up to the Racoon Retreat.

He motioned for Geil to get in his patrol car and he started the engine,

and went up the road behind the meat wagons, followed by Norris, Jackson,

and Damon in their cars. They pulled to a stop in the parking area and he

led the Coroner and his assistants to the large rambling hotel that sat at

the top of a small crest, it looked as if nothing had changed except the

air seemed to be more still and hushed than it had been earlier.

Tailor told the four cops and the FBI agent to wait outside, and he

motioned for Steve and the six attendants to follow him inside, the

forensics people were just pulling into the drive as they entered the

hotel, Tailor pointed out each of the bodies to Geil and his attendants,

fortunately they had seen enough dead bodies that none of them lost their

lunches, he also told them to wait until forensics was done and then cart

the bodies to the morgue. He had to go through the whole procedure with

forensics once again and he breathed a sigh of relief when he was once

again out of the hotel. He walked back to the others and his stomach

gurgled at him, as if to warn him not to enter the charnel house again, he

pulled a roll of antacids out of his shirt pocket and chewed two of the

smalls discs into a fine chalky tasting powder that he finally swallowed.

Charlie had also rode with him and was waiting with the others by the

cars. Walking over to Charlie he put his arm around him, “how would you

like to help us out here Charlie, I know you’re a bright young man, and

this may help you decide whether or not to join the S.T.A.R.S.,” as Tailor

was talking he led him away from the others.

“I don’t know,” Charlie said.

“Look, I really need the help, I’ve got people I need to interview, a case

load that is about to explode on me, and only about a dozen and a half

officers, and one FBI agent that isn’t a total Dink,” Tailor said his eyes

almost pleading.

“Okay, I guess I can help out,” Charlie finally said relenting, “what do

you want me to do.

“Thanks I really appreciate this, consider yourself deputized,” Tailor

said reaching into a pocket for a spare badge and handing it to Charlie,

“First thing I need you to do is locate someone for me.”


“Skyler Davis, the guy I was with at the bar the other night,” Tailor told


“What do you want me to do once I find him,” Charlie asked?

“Bring him to the station, that’s where I’ll be after leaving here.”

“Uhm, I kind of need a car,” Charlie said a little embarassed.

“Take Deputy Fuller’s car, he can ride with Sgt. Jackson,” Tailor said and

got the keys from Fuller and handed them to Charlie.

Charlie got in the car after talking some more with Tailor and he found

that his best place to start the search at was the parking area for the

camping section of Racoon Forest.

“Jackson, Fuller, you two stay here with the Forensics and Coroner teams,

Norris you can return to your patrol area, I’m going back to my office and

sift through some paperwork,” Tailor said with a pained expression.

“I’ll, stay here as well,” Damon said, “I want to make sure those idiots

that I ordered to block the road are doing their job properly.”

Tailor just nodded and hopped into his car and pulled away, he reached the

road block a few minutes later and was back at his office in half an hour,

he came in the front door and managed to duck into the uniformed officer’s

bullpen before anyone saw him, he closed the door to the loud sound of

construction and people talking which did little to mute the loud noise.

“Now we’ll take a look at those applications that the Sheriff sent over,”

he said walking to his desk and sitting down heavily.

On his desk were two dozen applications, most he weeded out but he kept

four of them, one was for NYPD Detective looking to get out of the big city

and away from all the death, Tailor smiled grimly at that, the second one

was from an ex-army MP wanting to get back into police work, and the last

two were from deputies in the surrounding counties.

“Four is better than none I guess,” he grumbled to himself out loud.

Picking up the phone he dialed the first number and started the hiring

process. About an hour and a half later he stood up and stretched his back

popping and cracking as it settled back into it’s normal places. “Getting

to old for this,” He thought to himself.

* * * * * *

Charlie reached the parking area for campers and sat for several minutes

deciding what to do next, the only vehicles in the lot were a Jeep Cherokee

with a horse Trailer on it and a motorcycle sitting under a tarp, as he sat

musing her heard a branch snap and three people came walking out of the

woods. One was a man supporting a woman and a teenaged girl carrying a

shotgun followed behind them. The man spotted the Patrol Car and

practically picked up the woman and carried her when he saw it.

Charlie got out of the car and walked up to them, “You folks alright,” he

asked, and then he noticed for the first time that the man was dripping

with weaponry and was blood splattered, and didn’t really smell all that

nice, he had a handgun on his hip, another in his waistband and two

shotguns were slung over his muscular back.

“Open the door, we need to get her to the hospital quick,” the man said

anxiously but full of authority.

Charlie just nodded and scrambled around to the side and opened the door

and then hopped into the driver’s seat and looked back at the man and girl.

“We’ll be right behind you in a moment,” he said and Charlie sped off

throwing gravel into the air as he spun out and raced down the rock road.

“Well, Heather, do you want to ride with me to the hospital,” Skyler asked

the girl.

“Sure, but what about my shotgun,” she asked.

“I’ll just sling it over my shoulder with the rest,” Skyler told her.

She handed it to him and he just as he said he would, walking over to the

Vincent Skyler pulled the tarp off and had Heather sit herself just behind

the gas tank and he sat behind her and kicked it to life, he backed it up

with his legs and turned around and roared after the patrol car.

They reached the hospital a short time later and waited for a little while

in the waiting room of Racoon Municipal Hospital until a doctor shooed them

away, he reassured them that Cassandra was okay and that Skyler was

stinking up his waiting room and should go change clothes and take a


Charlie had also waited around as well, and finally got up the nerve to

talk to Skyler, “Deputy Tailor sent me to find you earlier, he would like

to talk to you when you get a chance, I just got off the phone and told him

what happened as well.”

“Okay we’ll head over there,” Skyler had left all three shotguns in the

Patrol car as well as Cassandra’s sig and all he had now was his empty Baby

Eagle .41.

Heather followed the two men out and this time she rode behind Skyler on

the motorcycle as he followed Charlie back to the RCPD building and into

Tailor’s office.

“What’s up Henry, Charlie told me you needed to talk to me,” Skyler said

shaking hands with the Chief Deputy.

“First take a shower, the locker room is in the basement and I’ll get some

clean clothes for you,” Tailor said wrinkling his nose.

Skyler had been liberally splattered with Hunters’ blood as well as not

having had a chance to clean up well in the past day. At Tailor’s

suggestion he went to the basement and took a long hot shower feeling the

tension ease out of his muscles, some clean clothes that fit him perfectly

were waiting when he stepped out of the shower and he changed quickly and

headed back to Tailor’s office.

“So what did you need to speak to me about,” Skyler asked again seating

himself in a chair that was sitting in front of Tailor’s desk.

“I’m really low on manpower right now and was wondering if you might like

to be deputized,” Tailor asked.

“Sure, I’ve got nothing better to do,” Skyler said.

“What the hell happened out in the woods anyway,” Tailor asked?

Skyler launched into a long story about meeting Cassandra and fending off

the dog attacks and then finding the cabin and being attacked by the

mottled green creatures and then stumbling across Heather as they had been

leaving the Forest and, “And that is pretty much that,” Skyler concluded.


J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness