Subject: [UW!] Skyler Part 5 (graphic content.)

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Wed, 01 September 1999 10:48 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef4ec$34e47840$b9248fd1@default>

Before moving on much further to the cabin Skyler had them stop while he

transferred any extra ammunition he had, as well as the small diary, which

he hadn’t told Cassandra about yet, and some MREs into the pouches on his

web belt, he had Cassandra do the same with her gear. They left the two

packs and most of their equipment behind. One way or another the two of

them wouldn’t be spending another night in the Forest.

The Forest had regained a portion of its animal sounds as they walked for

several hours, they had also decided to bypass the cabin and head straight

for the parking area, it would be close to dark when they reached it but

they didn’t intend to wait around.

Skyler was heeding the call of nature when the woods went silent once

again, “man this is getting tedious,” he thought to himself as he rejoined


Cassandra didn’t seem to notice the silence in the Forest and asked him a

question when he returned, “Are we headed in the right direction?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a compass with me,” he reassured her and held the compass

up that was around his neck on a leather strap.

The words had just left his mouth when a violent shriek broke the

stillness of the woods and Skyler dropped the compass and gripped the

shotgun in both hands. “What the hell was that.”

“There,” Cassandra said, pointing a shaky finger.

It took a few seconds for his eyes to focus on the shape that was loping

toward them, it was a mottled green in color and its spade shaped head sat

between powerfully hunched shoulders, two reddish-orange eyes glared out at

them from the front of its face. Two long and thickly muscled arms dangled

at its side past its knees and sharp black talons brushed through the high

grass as it moved quickly toward them.

Shaking himself out of the horror that he had felt upon seeing the

creature he brought the Brazzi up and fired just as it shrieked again.

Pulling the trigger he watched as the X-pattern of buckshot slammed into

its chest and threw it onto it’s back unmoving save for the scratching of

its talons in the dirt.

“What the hell was that,” Cassandra gasped.

“I don’t know but here come some more of them,” Skyler said racking the

shotgun and pointing with his chin at a dozen green shapes surrounded the

two people.

Cassandra and Skyler fired at the same time emptying out their shotguns

only taking down four of their attackers in that time, they dropped the

unwieldy weapons as the creatures moved in and snatched handguns from

holsters and started firing.

One of the creatures came within striking distance and brought its clawed

arm around and sliced into Cassandra’s shoulder and she cried out in pain

and dropped her gun. Seeing what had happened Skyler straddled her prone

shape and picked up her gun, he opened fire two handed emptying out both

guns quickly, but more shapes came out of the woods to converge on them and

he dumped the empty magazine and reloaded his .41 and continued firing.

The rolling thunder of repeated shots was absorbed by the surrounding

woods and mountains.

* * * * * *

Deputy Sheriff Tailor was eating a cheeseburger when his hand unit

squawked at him, “Deputy Tailor,” the female dispatcher said over the tinny


“This is Tailor go ahead,” he replied after setting his burger down.

“Sir, an alarm at the Racoon Retreat has gone off Sir, over.”

“I copy that, anything else, over.”

“Yeah, the Sheriff is sending in some people to fill out applications,

from what he told me most of them are either cops looking for a job or

ex-military, over,”

“Copy that, if they are as good as Sam Jackson I’ll hire every man-jack of

them, over.”

“That’s all there is Deputy, over.”

“Roger that, over and out.” Tailor took one more mournful look at his

burger, slurped down the rest of his pop and grabbed his Stetson off the

seat next to him and dropped money for his bill on the counter. Getting

into squad-car he radioed two of his men as well as one of the State

Troopers to meet him on the way to the Retreat, he hesitated for a moment

and picked up the cell phone that was sitting on his seat and dialed a


“Yeah Jack this is Tailor, look I might need some back up,” he listened

for a second, “no just you, not any of those other idiots that came with

you,” he listened for a little longer, said goodbye and punched the end

key. FBI Agent Jack Damon was a good man but the idiots they had sent with

him were complete losers, half the time the poor guy spent keeping his men

from getting in fights with the other Government agencies people.

Tailor started his car flipped the lights and sirens on and peeled out of

the spot that he had parked in and headed for the Racoon retreat.

Tailor met the other four men in the turn around that led up the road to

the Racoon Retreat, besides himself and Jack Damon there was Deputy Sgt.

Sam Jackson, Deputy Dwight Fuller, and Trooper Harrison Norris.

“Alright the dispatcher has filled you in on what has happened so far, we

don’t know anything else yet but we will soon, Trooper Norris you will ride

with Deputies Jackson and Fuller, Jack you’re with me, any questions,” none

were asked and he just nodded his head.

Before Damon got in the car with Tailor he walked back to his car and

popped the trunk open and pulled a Colt AR-15 out as well as three spar

magazines which slipped into the pockets of his Jacket, getting in he just

smiled at Tailor his eyes hidden by his sunglasses.

“Let’s go,” Tailor said and led the two car convoy up the winding

switchback road.

It took almost fifteen minutes for the two cars to reach the top of the

road, the Racoon Retreat had been built on top of the ruins of the old

Arklay Mansion, sometimes also called the Spencer Estate, things looked

normal as the two cruisers pulled between the two open wrought Iron gates

and into the large parking area, five cars were parked there, and another

winding drive went out of sight behind the large administrative building,

cabins screened behind a row of trees sat some distance from the parking


Tailor had his Mossberg held loosely in one hand as the other’s gathered

around him, “Fuller, Jackson, Norris you search the cabins and any other

buildings over that way,” he said waving his hand towards the cabins,

“Agent Damon and I will search the Admin building,” having said that he

turned away and was followed by Damon.

Tailor and Damon entered the hotel slowly and cautiously, the only sound

the shrill rasping of the alarm that had been set off by someone. Heading

over to the counter Tailor walked around it and flicked the switch that was

underneath the Formica counter top’s edge, the alarm shut off.

“Where should we check first,” asked Damon, he had taken off his

sunglasses when they had entered the building.

“The office is right here, might as well start there,” Tailor flattened

himself against one side of the door frame and listened quietly and then

nodded to Damon who was now standing on the other side.

Damon flung the door open and Tailor raced in crouched over his Mossberg

probing the air in front of him as Damon followed after the barrel of his

AR-15 fanning back and forth. No one was in the room but their was

something there, laying on top of the manager’s desk was the manager’s

head, the sightless blue eyes stared off into the distance, the mouth stuck

in a rictus of horror. Blood dripped down from the desk and pooled onto the

gold carpeting, the rest of the manager’s body was laying on the floor off

to one side, it looked as if someone had been gnawing at it.

Tailor belched his stomach wanting to rebel as he remembered the

half-eaten cheeseburger that he had left behind at Emmy’s Diner. Damon was

a little green around the mouth, as he tried to keep from puking himself.

“Jesus,” Tailor whispered, “what happened here.”

“I don’t know,” Damon said weekly. “How many employees did this place

have,” he asked?

“About a dozen,” Tailor answered quietly.

They found all the rest of the employees inside the main building, they

found the chef and her assistant in the kitchen, the assistant had his

throat ripped out and the chef was laying on a butcher block table her

entrails protruding from her torn open belly. Two maids were found dead in

a pool of blood in the dining room, another was laying across one of the

guest beds equally dead, the two bellboys were also dead draped over chairs

in the lounge, the gardener was found in the bathroom, and the last three

employees were found dead in various parts of the hotel. All had died

gruesomely, with looks of pure terror in their eyes, and all had signs of

bite marks and blood drainage.

Tailor and Damon stumbled out of the hotel and into the fresh air. Tailor

felt a little better but Damon wobbled on rubbery legs to a nearby bush and

proceeded to fertilize them with his lunch.

The two deputies and the trooper walked up at that moment reporting they

had found nothing except some broken doors and windows and some messed up


Deputy Fuller was smirking at the FBI agent as he barfed, Tailor saw that

look told him to wipe it off of his face, “why don’t you boys go check and

see what’s in the Manager’s office,” he ordered thumbing towards the hotel

lobby door.

Still smirking Fuller led the way and came running back out a few seconds

later joining Agent Damon at the bushes.

“Serves you right,” Tailor said under his breath, Fuller was, always had

been, and always would be a total asshole, and he felt some satisfaction in

bringing the Deputy down a few notches. He watched as Jackson and Norris

exited the hotel, both men were shaken but handling things better than the

younger men, they were both veteran cops and had too scrape more than one

drunken motorist up off the highway.

“What the hell did that,” Norris said his voice a little higher pitched

than it usually was.

“I don’t know Harrison, but I intend to find out,” and he walked over to

his squad car and picked up the mike, “Betty patch me through to the


“Roger Henry,” she said and patched him through.

“Steve, this Deputy Tailor, I’m going to need some body bags and a few

meat wagons,” Tailor paused for a moment, “and I want you to ride out here

with the forensics people.”

“Okay Henry I’ll be their in half an hour,” he said after getting

directions from Tailor.

“We’ll have some forensics people here in a little while,” he told the

others as he turned back. He also saw that the younger men had stopped

barfing into the bushes, Damon looked sheepish but Fuller just glared at



J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness