Subject: [UW!] Skyler Part 3 (Warning May Not be Suitable For Younger Readers].

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Mon, 30 August 1999 09:14 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef34c$baa6a4e0$8b248fd1@default>

Skyler was having a dream about his days in the Marines, they were under

fire from an Iraqi machine gun squad when an insistent bell started

sounding, finally he realized he was only dreaming and groggily groped for

the phone that sat on the night stand, he knocked his watch and the alarm

clock onto the floor before finally dragging the phone out of it’s cradle.

“ ‘lo, who is it,” he asked sleepily stifling a yawn with his other hand

as he tried not to fall asleep.

“Mr. Davis, I suggest you examine the site of the old Arklay Mansion if

you want to find out what happened to your sister and what occurred in

Racoon City month’s past,” a quiet voice said to him.

Skyler was instantly snapped wide awake, “Who is this,” he asked but was

only rewarded by a click and the gentle buzzing of an open line. Sitting up

in bed he was wide awake and formulating a plan and putting together a list

of supplies he would need to take with him into the Arklay Mountain Range

and the surrounding Racoon Forrest. Writing everything he needed down he

nodded back off to sleep but tossed and turned the whole night.

List of Camping Supplies:


2 Blankets

Flashlight and batteries


Small Tarp

10 feet of Nylon rope


* * * * * *

The next morning found Skyler sitting on the back porch finishing off his

cup of coffee and a cigarette, stretching he stood up and walked towards

the garage. Opening the side door he picked up the empty duffel bag he had

left there earlier that morning and climbed onto the Vincent, he had

cleaned and gassed it up earlier that morning, and kicked it to life,

roaring out of the garage he headed for the sporting goods store.

Skyler passed the RCPD building on his way to the store and waved to

Tailor who was talking to a State Trooper sitting in a patrol car.

Finally he reached his destination and climbed off running a hand through

his short hair, entering the store he handed his list to the clerk behind

the counter and waited as he filled the order. After a few minutes the man

returned with cardboard box fille with what Skyler asked for, paying for

the items he stuffed them in the duffel bag and slung it back over his

shoulders and jumped onto the motorcycle and drove to the repair shop that

he now owned after his sister’s death.

He entered the office of the small station and introduced himself to the

head mechanic.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Davis, your sister was a good person, I’m sorry to

hear about her disappearance,” Hank Callahan said shaking hands with


“Yes, she spoke highly of you as well whenever she visited,” Skyler said.

“Oh by the way where is my car at?”

“We’ve got it out back here,” and Callahan led the way behind the station.

Sitting in a spot rear end against a chainlink fence sat Skyler’s forest

green ‘94 Sable, the entire right front side was a mess.

“How soon will it take to fix,” he asked the Mechanic.

“A couple weeks if I can get all the parts right away, probably not more

than a month though,” Callahan answered, “the fender is crumpled, your

bumper is busted up, the rim and tire are shot, the lights on that side

need replaced, I might be able to bend the hood back into shape but the

grill and center light are history, and the passenger door is jammed shut,

and you’ll probably need a new windshield, it’s cracked in a couple of

places,” He explained pointing out the various damage.

“Okay, take your time, I just need to get something out of the trunk,”

Skyler told him.

“Sure no problem,” the mechanic said and walked back into the building.

Skyler walked over to the car and popped the trunk opening up a cardboard

box inside he pulled out several MREs and stuff them into his duffel bag

and then slammed the trunk shut again.

“Just one more stop,” he thought to himself as he climbed onto the


Skyler’s last stop was the Racoon Bookstore where he purchased several

maps of Racoon City, the Arklay Mountains, and Racoon Forest, as well as a

few leisure books for him to read in the coming days when he became board.

Carrying his purchases up to the counter he sat them down, a young man

about sixteen or seventeen greeted him. “Good day Sir, did you find

everything you needed,” the young man who’s name tag said Sam asked?

“Yes I did,” Skyler smiled remembering himself at that age.

“I see you purchased several maps of the area, are you new to town,” He


“Yes I am, I’m also going to go camping in the woods tomorrow, do you know

of any good spots,” Skyler asked?

The young man’s expression changed slightly becoming a little more grim at

the mention of the woods, “No I don’t Sir,” He said somewhat tersely. He

finished ringing up Skyler’s order and handed him the plastic bag that he

had put the books and maps in.

Skyler payed for the things and turned away slightly chagrined at the

young man’s change of attitude and wondered what he had said.

“Sir,” the young man called out and Skyler turned around a questioning

look on his face.

“Be careful,” the young man named Sam said rather grimly.

“Thank you,” Skyler said and headed back to his sister’s house. “No my

house now,” he thought sadly as he unlocked the door. He put the books away

and packed his gear into the day pack and also took his Brazzi 16 gauge out

of it’s hard plastic case and cleaned and oiled it and tossed an extra box

of shells into the pack.

At the kitchen table he spread the maps out and planned his route to the

old Arklay Mansion site where the members from S.T.A.R.S. barely escaped

with their lives. He had read about it in the newspaper several months

before leaving for Bangkok.

Skyler sat at the table for several hours and familiarized himself with

the maps as well as practicing using his compass, he hadn’t been camping in

years and he hoped that his somewhat softened body could take the rigors of


Finally Skyler stood up from the table and scratched his goatee and went

off to bed.

* * * * * *

Skyler rode the Vincent up the uneven rock trail that led to the parking

area for campers and hikers, reaching it, the sun was just dawning as he

put the kick-stand down and covered it with one of the tarps that he had

brought with him securing it in place with bunjie cords, he found that the

only other vehicle besides his was a U.S. Forestry Divisions Jeep Cherokee

with a horse trailer hooked to the tongue on the back. He checked the hood

of the vehicle and found that it was still slightly warm.

“Haven’t been gone for more than an hour,” he mused, “But they’ll be way

ahead of me on horseback.”

Slinging the pack over one shoulder he held the Brazzi loosely in one hand

as he started up the trail that would lead him to the Mansion site.

Skyler had been walking for several hours before he finally took a break

and ate one of the MREs, “tastes just as crappy as they did when I was in

the Marines,” he grumbled to the silent woods around him.

That day Skyler covered about 25 miles, and was about two more days away

from where he was headed, he had also crossed a horse trail that still had

several warm road apples about an hour earlier, he figured that he was

running pretty much parallel to the Ranger’s trail but he didn’t intend to

cross paths unless he absolutely had to.

Finally stopping for the night he built a small campfire and laid out his

bedroll with his shotgun with in arms reach, he had dressed warmly for the

forest, he was wearing a flannel shirt with a t-shirt on underneath, jeans,

and a pair of his old combat boots and a baseball cap, so he only pulled

one of his blankets out of the duffel bag. As he was eating his third MRE

for that day he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and knew

that he was being watched from the woods he didn’t know who or what it was

but he acted normally and only undid the thong over the hammer of his .41

when his hand would take a path past the holstered handgun.

Just as quickly as the sensation had popped up it left and the birds in

the forest started singing again, Skyler sat watching the sunset enjoying

the vivid reds, golds, and pinks as the sun went to bed for the night.

Skyler made sure his fire had a enough wood to keep it warm for the night

and pulled his bedroll over by the tree he had been sitting against, not

only to keep one side protected but to keep his night vision from being

ruined by the light of the fire, and curled up in his blanket.

Sometime about midnight he awoke to a scream and sat bolt upright his hand

snaking out and wrapping around the pistol grip of the Brazzi, he did need

to pump it since he always kept a round in the chamber, he sat silently for

several seconds and waited for the sound to be repeated it was, it wasn’t a

human scream but that of an animal, a horse from the sound of it and then

this time it was followed by the hollow booming of a handgun.

Jumping up Skyler kicked sand over the fire and jammed his stuff in the

pack and slung it over his shoulder and dashed through the forest and into

a clear not more than six-hundred feet from his.

The tableau that greeted him seemed to be something from out of a

nightmare a tent was on fire, and blood filled the clearing, three dogs of

some kind were tearing at the corpses of two dead horses and four others

circle the Forest Ranger that had her back to a large pine tree, as he

watched she fired her gun again and hit one of the dogs in the flank just

as it jumped knocking it back in the air, but incredibly it got back up and

joined the others.

Breaking free of his paralysis Skyler brought the Brazzi up and fired, the

rifled slug slammed into the skull of one of the dogs dropping it to the

ground brain, blood, and shards of bone glistened sickly reds from the fire

consuming what he assumed was the Forest Rangers tent.

Skyler fired again, this time .000-buckshot taking down two more dogs as

the x-pattern took them out of the game, the dogs eating the horses whined

and loped off into the woods the fourth dog still standing charged at the

Ranger and she shot it dead on the .357sig round exploding it’s head like


“What the hell were those things,” the Ranger asked as she slipped a fresh

magazine into the butt of her handgun.

“I have no idea but I suggest you salvage what you can and we’ll get the

hell out of here,” Skyler said keeping a tight eye on the surround forest,

they both jumped as the dogs started howling off in the woods, and Skyler

cursed under his breath.

As the Ranger gathered up what she could and put out the burning tent he

kept an eye on the woods but soon the normal night sounds returned and he


“So, you normally go running around a forest by yourself,” he asked

turning back to her and getting his first good look. Her medium black hair

was pulled back in a large braid and her blue eyes were like saucers had

she finished packing her equipment and picked up her own shotgun.

“I suggest we get out of here,” she said and led him off into the woods.

“Where are we going,” Skyler asked trailing behind her?

“There is a small cabin that hikers can use up ahead,” she told him.

“What’s your name anyway,” he called out?

“Cassandra Matthews, I’m a Forest Ranger,” She told him.

“What are you doing out here,” He asked?

“Investigating the silence from one of our Stations in the Arklay

Mountains,” she explained and wouldn’t say another word until they were at

the cabin.


J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness