Subject: [UW!] Skyler part 2 (messed up on the last one)

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Mon, 30 August 1999 07:49 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef340$cabea1e0$26248fd1@default>

Skyler stood inside the dark front hall of his sister's house for a second

and then glanced at his watch, the luminescent dial on the Doxa showed that

it was three minutes after five. He had almost four hours before the Deputy

Sheriff returned to take him out for some drinks.

He Flicked his hand out and flipped the lights on in the hall and saw that

everything was coated in a layer of dust. Skyler had been on a three month

vacation when word of his sister’s death had reached him in Bangkok, and it

had been another three weeks before he had been able to get back stateside

and then another forty-eight hours before he was able to drive from his

home in Ohio. It looked as if no one had entered or left the house in that

two month period between the time of the disaster that had occurred in

Racoon City and now.

Picking his luggage up he cut off his musing and carried it to the spare

bedroom where he planned to sleep. His sister’s house was a single-story

ranch style on a quiet side street off of Racoon’s main thoroughfare, it

had a living room, dining room, kitchen, two bathrooms, and three bedrooms;

on of which was a office for his sister. He hadn’t been in the house for

several years his sister had mainly visited him in Ohio. She had been only

twenty-three when she had died and was unmarried and as far as he knew she

hadn’t been dating anyone either.

Laying the luggage on his bed he quickly unpacked and changed into jeans

and a t-shirt, leaving his shoulder holster holding the large .41 caliber

handgun in it on the night stand in the room. Walking through the house he

opened all the door and windows hoping to alleviate the dusty-musty odor

that pervaded the shut up house, after that he found some cleaning supplies

and cleaned the place up, he spend three grueling hours trying to make the

house presentable if he ever had any company.

After finishing up in the house he went into the backyard and stood under

the eve of the garage roof smoking a cigarette, after finishing that and

crushing it out under his boot heel he entered the garage, the spot where

his sister’s station wagon usually sat was empty, the authorities had

assumed it was in the Umbrella Chemical Plants parking lot when the place

had exploded, other than that the garage was practically empty save for a

few shelves of gardening equipment.

Skyler was turning back towards the door when he spotted a large tarp

covered object in one dark back corner of the garage, walking over he to it

he pulled the tarp off and sucked in a breath when he saw what was

underneath it. It was a Vincent motorcycle exactly like the one his parents

had bought him when he was seventeen, it had later been stolen when he was

away in the Marines, it was obviously the interesting birthday present his

sister had been promising him before she had died.

Sighing he slung the tarp back over the motorcycle and walked back into

his sister’s house and into her office where he sat down in her office

chair and scooted over to her small three drawer filing cabinet, flipping

through the folders he saw ones labeled, Car insurance, House Insurance,

Bills, Warranties, Umbrella, Work, and several others and he finally found

what he was looking for in the back of the bottom drawer, in a folder

labeled with his name he found the title for the motorcycle and a card that

had been filled out ahead of time in his sisters sprawling writing.

See you when you get back from vacation Big Bro, you are really going

to enjoy the present I got you for your birthday. So you turn thirty this

year does that mean I get to give you thirty wacks :), well till I see you


a few months time, take care and love Dorothy.


Skyler sighed again and shoved the folder back into the drawer and slammed

it shut angrily, “Why did she have to die,” He yelled angrily. “She was the

only one I had left,” he said more quietly.

He was still sitting in the office when Henry Tailor honked his horn


* * * * * *

Before going outside to meet Tailor Skyler grabbed a jacket and shrugged

back into his shoulder holster.

“You hunting bear or something,” Tailor asked when Skyler hopped into the


“Nope, just consider me an overgrown Boy Scout is all,” Skyler replied.

“So where are we going anyway?”

“Percy’s Pub, I normally go to the Racoon’s Tail Bar and Grill but it

burnt down during all the crap that occurred a few months back.”

“Sounds like a nice place.”

“It’s a cess pool, the only reason I go there is I can keep a better eye

on all the Federal Idiots that are still in town.”

“Sounds like my kind of place,” Skyler said smiling.

“Well we may end up having to break up a couple fights tonight,” Tailor

told him.

“Good, I haven’t cracked any Government skulls in awhile.

Tailor took his eyes off the road to see if he was serious, and he saw

that Skyler had a very serious expression on his face. “So how long are you

going to be in town,” he asked changing subjects.

Skyler shrugged, “Oh I don’t know, I may decide to move here.”

“Whatever for especially with what happened not to long ago plus the

disappearances we’ve been having lately,” Tailor said.

Skyler perked up at that, “Did my sister disappear during or after the


“Actually she disappeared after, but her car was destroyed in the Umbrella

parking lot,” Tailor told him.

“Interesting, how many people have disappeared so far,” Skyler asked?

“Twelve including your sister,” Tailor said.

“Any connections?”

“Not really.”

There was no more conversation till the two men reached Percy’s as both

were lost in thought.

Skyler almost choked on the roiling miasma of cigar, cigarette, and pipe

smoke cloud that flowed through the room, as well as the smell of cheap

beer and unwashed bodies. Skyler smoked himself but had cut down a lot on

it in the last few years and his lungs weren’t used to this amount of

floating carcinogens.

“Nice place isn’t it,” Tailor said with a little sarcasm.

“Yeah, I don’t know how I could have missed out on this place all my

life,” Skyler said.

“Why don’t you go grab us that booth back there in the corner, I see

someone I want to talk to over there,” Tailor waved vaguely at the bar and

it’s only occupant.

Skyler just nodded and sat down in the booth and surveyed the room, most

of it was filled with the rough and tumble construction workers that were

rebuilding the main Umbrella Plant, Umbrella had three Plants on the

outskirts of the city but only one of them had been badly damaged enough

for major rebuilding, there was also quite a few federal agents in the

room, most of them sticking to their own kind and giving the other groups

glares, most of them seemed to also be drunk.

As Skyler was surveying the crowd in the room Tailor was making his way to

the bar.

“Hey Charlie, did you get that S.T.A.R.S. application finished yet,”

Tailor asked by way of greeting.

“Not yet Deputy Tailor,” the young blonde haired man answered.

“Something wrong, did you have trouble filling it out,” Tailor questioned


“No I’m still deciding whether or not to actually fill it out,” Charlie

Hamilton answered with his usual slightly accented sarcastic tone.

“Okay well if you need anything or have any questions feel free to give me

a call,” and with that Tailor stood up patting the young man on the

shoulder and practically walked into a fist fight.

A faction of ATF agents and a group of FBI agents had decided to get into

a fight, when he saw what was going on Tailor pulled out his nightstick and

waded into the fight between the dozen or so men, he was soon joined by


Tailor dodged a flailing fist and whipped out with his nightstick cracking

against the man’s skull dropping him to the ground unconscious he then

whipped around jabbing it into another man’s stomach sending him to the

ground puking.

Skyler in the mean time was squared off against three men, he took down

one with a stiff fingered jab to the stomach and kicked another in the knee

cap, the third took a little more time and also landed a punch that would

leave a nasty bruise on his shoulder. Skyler ducked under the man’s next

punch and nailed him in the solar plexus, whisky tainted breath whooshed

out of the man’s lungs over Skyler’s head.

On the other side of the room Tailor had taken out a couple more men but

Skyler noticed one of the FBI agent’s going for his gun.

Skyler had his .41 pulled and pointed at the back of the FBI agent’s head

in one swift motion, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” the ratcheting of

the Baby Eagle’s hammer emphasizing his words and stopping the man in his


“Alright that is enough, everyone drop there guns on the floor,” Tailor

shouted his own Colt 9mm out now and pointed menacingly at a group of ATF

and FBI agents that had just stopped fighting.

The clank and thunk of several handguns hitting the floor broke the

silence of the room. Without turning his head Tailor spoke to the

bartender, “Mike call the station and tell them to get a van down here.”

The bartender nodded his head and walked off to do just that, several

moments after that the sound of police sirens came through the open door

and the half dozen officers that were on night duty came in with riot guns

and started herding the agent’s into the back of the Paddy Wagon and off to

the RCPD’s secondary holding facility.

“I have never seen so many unprofessional acting Federal agents in my

life,” Skyler said to Tailor.

“That’s because they sent all there losers down here to take care of


“Why,” Skyler asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Big money is involved,” Tailor said and wouldn’t say another word for the

rest of the night about it.

The two men discussed several things that night, one of them Skyler’s

sister and he found out that Henry and his sister had been dating off and

on for the last year. They spent several hours at the bar before they

decided it was time to head home, Tailor dropped Skyler off at his sisters

house and then headed back to his office at the RCPD building where he kept

a cot.

Skyler turned in almost as soon as he got home but made sure that all the

doors and windows were shut and locked before going to bed.

NOTE: This story line starts a few weeks after ZombieEater's Starts.


J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness