Subject: [UW!] Skyler part 10

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Tue, 07 September 1999 10:09 AM EDT

Message-id: <01bef939$17bf07c0$7a248fd1@default>

“I don’t know about you,” Skyler said, “but I think I need to wash my


“Might want to you count your fingers while you’re at it too,” Tailor said


The two of them left the plant walking past the still unconscious guard

that lay in the reception desk.

“So where to now,” Skyler asked as they climbed into Tailor’s patrol car.

“Back to headquarters and we’ll take a look at that disk,” Tailor said.

Back at RPD Tailor and Cassandra stood waiting as Skyler booted up the

computer and slipped the diskette in. Tapping in a few keys he opened it up

and they watched as the red and white Umbrella logo spiraled onto the

screen and faded to black.

All that was left on the screen was a list of names now.

Level Seven Security Risks:

Bradley, Asellus: To be eliminated pending interrogation.

Damon, Jack: Threat unknown at this time, if threat becomes

valid eliminate.

Davis, Skyler: Considered immediate threat, but elimination

is not a valid option at this time.

Forbes, Sam: Threat unknown, has been inquiring into the

disappearance of his mother, eliminate if he finds out to much.

David, Fuller: Threat unknown, payoff or extortion maybe

optional to elimination.

Hamilton, Charlie: Immediate threat, has been inquiring into

disappearance of family members, elimination is not a valid

option at this point.

Jackson, Sam: Immediate threat, with the arrival of friends in

town they are to be kept a close eye on, elimination is not a

valid option at this point.

Hart, Kyle: Threat unknown, recent hacking has been traced to

his address, elimination may or may not be valid at this point,

pending further investigation.

Matthews, Cassandra: Immediate threat, elimination is not a

valid option at this point.

Norris, Harrison: Low threat priority but may be updated at

any point, elimination is not a valid option at this point.

Scott, Heather: Medium threat priority at this point, if chance

of elimination can be taken it should be carried out.

Tailor, Henry: Immediate threat, elimination is not a valid

option at this point.

“Holy shit it’s a hit list,” Skyler breathed.

“There’s some more scroll down,” Tailor said.

Cassandra didn’t say a word as they scanned the list.

To be Eliminated Immediately:

Jessie Vasquez:

Don James:

Edward Malone:

David Fairborne:

“Crap those are the cops that I hired,” Tailor said and left the room to

find a phone.

Skyler scrolled down some more.



Burton, Barry:

Chambers, Rebecca:

Kennedy, Leon:

Martin, Talbert:

Olivieras, Carlos:

Redfield, Chris:

Redfield, Claire:

Valentine, Jill:

“That’s the names of the STARS members and that girl and cop that escaped

Racoon last year, but I don’t know who this Talbert guy is,” Skyler said.

“We’ll ask Tailor when he get’s back,” Cassandra suggested.

Tailor returned a few minutes later, “I couldn’t get a hold of any of

them,” he said.

“Henry do you know who this Talbert Martin is,” Cassandra asked?

“Yeah, he was one of RPD’s best plainclothes cops, why,” Tailor answered.

“Because his name is on this list,” Skyler replied checking to see if

there was anything else on the diskette.

“Do you know what happened to him,” Cassandra asked?

“I heard that he escaped Racoon, but then disappeared about the same time

as Kennedy and the Redfield girl,” Tailor said.

“Well another dead end there,” Skyler said and shut the computer down.

“What do we do now,” Cassandra asked?

“Do some more driving I guess,” Skyler said and grabbed his jacket.

* * * * * *

Don James was brushing his teeth when the doorbell rang, setting the brush

down he rinsed his mouth out and walked to the door and opened it,

“Something I can help you with,” he asked?

The only answer he got was the twin muzzles of a sawed off shotgun and

searing pain as both barrels cut him in half to lay dying on his living

room floor.

* * * * * *

Edward Malone was on his way to Racoon City when he was pulled over by a

State Trooper. Rolling the window down he glanced angrily at the cop as he

walked up.

“Are you Edward Malone,” the cop asked bending over the window, he had one

hand behind his back.

“Yes I am,” he replied.

“Good,” the State Trooper said and brought his hand from behind his back.

The two silenced rounds from the gun took Malone in the forehead and blew

out the back of his head spraying the back seat of his car and the back

window with gore.

The Trooper walked away and got in his car and drove off.

* * * * * *

Former NYPD Detective David Fairborne was sitting in an aisle seat and was

sipping some water, he knew they were halfway to Racoon City. He finished

his water and lay back in his seat, he wouldn’t be waking up ever again.

The plane exploded fifteen minutes later killing everyone and was for years

deemed an unsolved case and one of the worst air disasters in history.

* * * * * *

Jessie Vasquez was grumbling as she steered her FIAT down the exit ramp to

Racoon City, she was going to be late for her appointment with Deputy

Tailor and she hated being late, he foot pressed more heavily on the gas

and she sped down the open road that led to Racoon only to drive into a

hail of automatic weapons fire, ducking under it she slammed on the brakes

and it skidded to halt broadside to where the shots had come from. Crawling

out the door she ducked out and rolled into a ditch on the side of the road

and snuck around to the spot where weapons fire was still raking her car.

She found the offending gunner and stood up behind him. She walked up

behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Eh,” the man said and started to turn.

“Would you happen to have any Grey Poupon,” she asked in a friendly voice

and pulled the trigger on her Ruger .357, the slug took the man in the side

of the head and blew out the other side.

“I didn’t think so,” she said and reholstered her revolver and started

walking towards Racoon.


J.E. McClellan-----

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.

----Bruce Campbell; Army of Darkness