Subject: [UW!] Just for the weekend........

From: "CryptorChild99"

Date: Mon, 06 September 1999 09:29 PM EDT

Message-id: <>

"Danny is that you?"

Mike swore he heard a noise by the back door. Yet he wasnt sure.

This labor day was supposed to be a helluva lot more fun than this.

Him and Danny were supposed to talk about the old days, when they were in colledge and about as naive as they come.

Instead Dannys job at Umbrella Inc was taking up just about all of his free time, which left mike nothing to do but watch T.V.

Mike began to get up when he heard someone shout from the back bathroom "God Dammit!". This time he was sure he heard something. It must be Danny, who else could be in there at this time of night?

Mike ran down the stairs as fast as he could. It took him a few minutes to adjust his eyes to the darkness, he wasnt used to the luxurious house danny owned or its gigantic size. "Danman that you?"

The bathroom door was locked & closed."Stay out!" Danny called from behind the door, "Im busy."

"Jezus christ Dan ive barely seen you for 10 minutes the whole time ive been here! my vacation ends day after tommorow, when are we gonna get to hang out together?"

"Right now I dont fucking care! Stay out!" Mike turned and walked down the hall, when had his closest friend become so bitter? There was a time when they would of been gone the first day he came into town and gone hunting for a week.And now..... use in straining to keep awake any longer, they could talk in the morning.And on that thought he turned down the hall into the guest room he was staying.

"Mike wake up." It was Danny. He was shaking Mike crudely and slapping at his face.

"wha? Danny cut it out!" It was about 1:23 AM.Mike reached over to turn on the light but Danny grabbed his arm and squeezed it with an almost vise like grip. "Jezus Dan what the hells your problem?"

"NO LIGHTS!" Danny screamed at him. "just listen to me..."

"Earlier today at the lab we had an accident. Some strain of flu virus they had us working on was showing some... strange results from routine tests. I opened the vial to pour it into a petrie dish and put it under the microscope. It only took a matter of minutes before me and my collegues realized we had been lied to. It wasnt long till all of us started showing signs of sickness. UBC soldiers came and escorted us to quarantine and made us all strip down. Me and Beth escaped but somehow were seperated. Oh God I think she's...."

"Danny calm down." But it was no use, Dan was already hyserical


"Okay then we have to get you out of here." Mike realized it was the only thing at this point he could do.With danny over the edge like this they obviously needed help, ESPECIALLY if he was telling the truth about what happened. He hopped out of bed and sped to get dressed.If some one was comming for Danny, they needed to get out as soon as possible.....

There was a noise down stairs.To much like breaking glass to be ignored.

"No Theyre HERE!" Danny screamed "Ive got to get out of here!"

"NO wait!..." but it was already to late. Danny was already running down stairs. Mike got up to go after him but he knew it was no use. He was heading out the bed room door when he heard short bursts of machine gun fire. From down stairs there was an inhuman scream and then more machine gun fire.

And then silence.Mike was already heading to Dannys room when he heard shouts and the sound of heavy boots coming up the stairs.Out the window, it was the only way. He put a down pillow in front of the window and kicked as hard as he could. He was already on the roof and leaping for the willows when Dannys door flew open. Mike didnt even waist time grabbing for the branches, he just let him self fall straight to the ground (along with the occasional rebound of a tree branch..). As soon as he hit the ground and caught his secound wind he was up and running.

"Umbrella Inc Huh?" mike said to himself. Then thats My secound stop. The first is at home to stock up on supplies..."and then," mike told himself, "Umbrellas gonna pay..."
