Subject: [UW!] Heather pt5

From: "Macaw"

Date: Sat, 04 September 1999 08:49 PM EDT

Message-id: <>

"Shopping?" Heather raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I guess we could do it tomorrow." Tailor relented.

"No, it's just that I thought...oh, never mind."


", nothing." Heather refused to tell.

Tailor's car purred along the road. Then his phone rang.

"Hello?" Tailor answered, and after a moment he blinked in surprise. "I'll

be right there."

"Okay, Heather, change of plan."

They pulled up in front of the Raccoon Lodge Lounge. Skyler was waiting in


"There you are, Tailor...Heather? What are you doing here?"

"Just stay here, Heather. Please?" Tailor asked.

"Yeah, yeah."

"What the hell happened here, Skyler?" Tailor wondered as he gazed at the

two corpses.

"I don't know. Cassandra and I had just ordered. Then there was a scream

from the kitchen and we found this..." he gestured at the corpse,

"...staggering around. I killed it."

"What about the other one?"

"He got bitten by the other one. Then he turned into one and took about

thirty rounds to take him down!"

"My don't think these could be..."

"They must."

"Oh God. No." Tailor shook his head.

"Oh well, I -" Skyler began to speak, but was cut off by four gunshots in

rapid succession.

"Hell!" Tailor exclaimed. "Leave that girl alone for one minute and..." he

trailed off. Heather stood staring at a corpse staggering toward her. She

fired once more and it dropped.

"Another one!" exclaimed Skyler.

"Heather!" scolded Tailor. "Where did you get that gun from?"

"I got it from a cabin in the woods. There was a dead hunter and I had to

kill this creature."

"Creature?" demanded Skyler. "What creature?"

"It was green, with-"

"Spade claws." finished Cassandra as she stepped outside.


"Heather, you should have told me."

"Then you would have made me give you the damned gun and right now I'd be in

little pieces on the footpath being munched."

"Fine!" Tailor snapped. Heather made a rude gesture and stormed off down

the street. Cassandra raced after her.

"Come on Heather. Tailor just doesn't know how well you use a gun. Come


Heather sighed. "Fine..."

Heather lay in bed. Her gun lay on the table beside her. Her pack was on

the floor, the clothes that the police had retrieved for her from Raccoon

Retreat in the wardrobe. But Heather was awake. She couldn't get it out of

her mind, the sight of the dog, or the zombie, or the hunter's mangled

corpse. She shook. Tears flowed down her face. Then she frowned. Tailor

had told her what happened. If the man was bitten by a zombie, then he

turned into one, then wouldn't the corpses from the Raccoon Retreat turn

into zombies?

Heather leaped out of bed, then, remembering, pulled on clothes. She raced

to Tailor's room.

"Tailor!" she yelled.

"What!?" he demanded angrily. "And it's 'sir' to you, not Tailor."

"Sorry mate! In Australia use of 'sir' is outlawed."

"Just get on with it."

"What if the corpses turn into zombies?"

"Look, we'll discuss it in the morning."

"But I can't sleep!"

"Watch TV!"

Heather padded back to her room where she finally slept.

In the morning, they went to the morgue.

"The bodies are just gone!" the coroner babbled.

"They disappeared?"

"Yes!" the fat man said excitedly. "It's like they got up and left."

Heather and Tailor exchanged glances.

The coroner's words echoed in their heads. 'It's like they got up and
