From: William Sayers

Subject: [UW!] Greg - Part 2

Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 4:00 AM

Greg reached the hospital and went in through the doors, A very harrassed looking receptionist opened the door to casualty without even asking him what was wrong.

Greg looked through the doors into casualty and saw that the room was packed to crowding point with people, Most of whom had horrific looking injuries and looked extremely scared and shocked.

"Wait, I'm not injured" Greg said to the receptionist.

She closed the door and sat back down at her desk,

"Well what are you doing here then? This is the busiest period this hospital has ever had. So if you don't need our help and you are not going to help us, Get out!"

"I just wanted to...." Greg said then spun around as a tremendously loud crashing sound filled the hospital and four of the long tounged creatures came through the hospital door, Literally through!!.

The receptionist uttered a piercing scream, Ran to casualty and then locked the door behind herself, Leaving Greg in reception with the creatures.

As he looked at them he swore "Holy shit!" under his breath, Then they began to walk towards him, Padding quietly across the floor.

Greg suddenly realised that they thought they where sure of their prey, He dragged his colt out of his holster and started firing.

A few minutes later Greg was soaked through with blood and gore and four dead creatures lay around him.

He looked around as the receptionist came hesitantly back out through the doors of casualty "Whoa.." was all she could say.

"Do you know where I can get some more bullets for this." Greg said holding up his empty colt.

"The only place where you might find armor piercing bullets is the police station, All the gunshops in town had their supplies taken to supply the police with bullets, Then nobody knew why," She looked at the carcasses on the floor "Now I can guess."

"Right." Greg began the long walk to the police station.
............................................................................ ..................................................
Outside the police station the wind brought the noises of a city being overrun right to Gregs ears.

It seemed that every possible entrance to the police station was locked tight with metal shutters.

He ran around the police station looking for a way in. At the front door he heard human sounding voices inside.

Ever cautious Greg looked around before trying to get in, And it was just as well he did because around ten cerberus's where stalking him quietly.

He spun around and started firing wildly.

He heard the voices inside start talking in elevated tones, Realised they could probably hear him and yelled "Let me in, And fucking hurry it up!!" as the metal shutter slammed open behind him he leapt through then shot the only cerberus that got through before the door closed.

Greg stood up and looked around, He saw Two kids and two adults.

Out of the two kids the boy looked about his age and the girl looked a bit younger.

They where all looking at him, Obviously wondering where he had sprung from. "Hi, The names Greg." he said.
What do you think? I hope no-one get pissed off with me for using the characters that are in the reception area of the police station.