From: William Sayers

Subject: [UW!] Greg - Part 1

Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 6:35 AM

Gregory Champlain was sitting in his small room in a orphanage 1 mile from Raccoon City.

He was smoking marijuana and listening to one of his meatloaf CD's.

He didn't often smoke hash, It wasn't like he was addicted, Just the occassional cigarette, When he was feeling stressed.

As the lights dimmed one of the workers came by checking that all the children where obeying regulations and getting into bed.

Greg quickly stubbed out the cigarette, Turned off the music and got into bed, The worker came by, Looked in briefly, then carried on down the corridor.

Greg dropped into a sleep filled with nightmares about the creatures he was sure where coming back to Raccoon City.

Greg woke up to the sounds of screaming.

He got his belt with the weapons attached out from under the bed and put it on before going down the hall to investigate.

As he walked down the hall from behind almost every door he could hear the horrific ripping and tearing noises that sounded all too familiar.

He could feel himself getting more and more scared but as usual ignored it.

He knew that to freeze with fear in this corridor would be a surer way to die than ripping your brains out and eating them, and probably more painful as well.

He heard a slight crunching sound behind him and pulled out his pistol and swung round, A large green ape like thing was staring at him, It was even more scary than the zombies he had seen in raccoon city before.

He quickly swapped to his colt, Realising instinctively that a 9mm pistol would'nt do this thing much damage.

He fired as it suddenly leapt for him, The bullet went straight through the things head, Causing it to explode, Splattering gore everywhere. Then he heard thudding footsteps all around.

He yelled "Shit!" and jumped out of a window before the hunters in the rooms could reach their doors.

He landed heavily in the river outside the window and hurriedly got out.

Knowing from experience that rivers where even more dangerous than dry land in these circumstances.

He began to run towards the distant lights of Raccoon city.

As Greg entered the city he saw that everyone appeared to be normal so far.

He made for the other side of town. As he did he heard footsteps approaching, Realising it must be a human he ignored them then heard a gun shot and a laugh.

The last things he heard before losing consciousness was a hard sounding male voice saying "Umbrellas been after you for a long time, Gregory." then thudding footsteps.

Gregory crawled to his feet. He felt utterly ashamed, He had fainted with fear at the sound of the gun shot, Probably all the other shocks he had been through, Plus the marijuana, had conributed but he still felt ashamed.,

Luckily enough the man had obviously thought he had hit him. Greg walked off in the general direction of the hospital.
What do you think??

Hey, Macaw, Is it alright if greg meets heather at some point? That way they could look forHeathers parents together and I have the most awesome Idea of where to find them!! If you want more info e-mail me.