From: ZombieEater

Subject: [UW!][FAQ]FAQ ver. 1.5

Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 5:54 PM

I decided that I'd update the FAQ for Umbrella Wars. Just making it a little
more informative.


What is the Umbrella Wars?
It is an interactive fan-fic currently taking place in the newsgroup

The Symbols for Umbrella wars
[UW!]-This is the basic tag. It says this post is a Umbrella Wars post. You
must have this tag in your subject line, or else we won't know what the heck
you're trying to write about!

[WG]-This is for posting a writer's guide. A WG helps other people how to
your character correctly. This is basically just a short description of your
character including (but not limited to):

Name - What's your character called? This can include a nickname also.
Author - This is your name. You may use a nickname.
Email - Your email address, so people can contact you about interaction.
Age - Pretty self explanatory. How old is your character?
Personality - How does your character act?
Background - What do you want others to know about your character?
Appearance - What does your character look like? Very important for detailed
Occupation - Does your character have a job? If they don't there really
isn't any need for this.
Weapons - Does your character carry a weapon? Do they expect to?
Other - This is pretty much for anything else you want others to know.

[NS]-This tag means that this post relates to a story, but it is not a
for example, you could comment on another's story without writing a story.
If you forget to add this to the subject, it doesn't really matter. Just
make sure
you let everyone know that you are commenting.

[NC]-This tag means that this is not an average story, It could take place
outside of the normal storyline, you can kill anyone, etc. This tag is
basically for playing around, not a regular story. You must get the authors
permission in order to do anything drastic to their character.

How to join Umbrella Wars
First of all, you should be a fan of Resident Evil. If you aren't, then
it'll probably be hard to get into the writing. If, after this, you are
still interested, read the UW! FAQ. If you understand it, then post a WG
(using the information written above). After that, you can post your first

How do I interact?
To interact, first make a character. Then, contact the person you want to
interact with. You don't have to do this, but it might stop people from
mad at you or something. Then, your characters meet and interact.

Other rules
Don't kill another character without the author's permission.
How to get kicked out of UW!

1)Break one rule, you will be warned of your crime. Don't do it again.
2)Break it again, and you will be warned again. Stop It!
3)Break another rule, and a poll will be held. If most people agree to ban
you will be banned. (I.E. the archiver will put you in his killfile)

The Archive
Also, since the UW! has to take place at some time, here is what has already
happened in the Resident Evil timeline:

Raccoon City has begun to be rebuilt after resident evil 2. People are again
living there, and it again is prosperous. Umbrella has also began to be
rebuilt, and people are disappearing... 12 people have already disappeared.
(It takes place 1 year after RE2)
