From: ZombieEater

Subject: [UW!] Close Encounters

Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 11:11 PM
Been a while since I wrote anything, hope I don't mess this up.
Charlie had hardly been able to think after barely being saved by Damon. He didn't even know exactly what had happened.

He noticed Jessie's eyes meet his as he turned his head toward her.

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

Charlie came to his senses. "What? Oh, just trying to come to terms with whatever the hell just happened." He answered, a bit quickly.

She smiled. "Is that all? I could have sworn it was something else." She shrugged.

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, yeah. I mean I was a bit surprised by the.."

"The kiss?" Jessie said. "It was really spur of the moment. I didn't know if we were going to live through that. You all right with it?"

Charlie let a bit of shock pass over his face. "Yeah. Why?"

Damon turned his head slightly, still driving. "Hey will you guys get off that topic. I think there are more important things."

Charlie and Jessie both smiled.

"Sorry." Charlie answered.

Charlie sat up, looking out the windshield. "How long till we get to the station?"

Damon seemed to have cooled down a bit. "A few minutes. Why?"

"Oh I don't know. I'm just a bit concerned about what's going on. All these murders and monsters can do that to a man." Charlie answered in his classic sarcastic tone.

Damon chuckled. "Good point."

Charlie sat back in his seat and pulled out the Mossberg. He was out of ammo with both it and his handgun.

Patting his chest, he knew he only had a small chance of surviving with just a knife.

He'd have to stock up when they reached the RPD.
Damon pulled into the station's parking lot and Charlie quickly got out.

Making it back to the lobby, he excused himself.

"Where are you going? We should get back to Tailor." Jessie said.

"I know, but I really need to eat. It'll just take a minute." He responded.

Charlie saw Jessie nod from the corner of his eye and was soon off.

He knew for a fact that there was a vending machine or two on the main level.
Charlie fumbled through his pockets for some change.

Finally getting a candy bar, he started back to the lobby.

On his way through a long corridor, he couldn't help but hear a faint noise. It was almost familiar.

"Sounds like someone knocking on glass." He said to himself, biting into the bar.

He knew for a fact that the windows in this hall had been recently replaced, but who would be trying to get in?

Stopping, he suddenly realized something.

"Pecking? Birds?" He laughed out loud. "Stupid birds."

Charlie was almost near the end when he finally spotted the culprit.

It was black, obviously a crow. But it was just sitting, perched on the window sill.

A chill went up his spine as he watched the crow, watching him.

He had seen 'The Birds' at least a dozen times and still had nightmares.

Taking the last bite of the bar, he almost choked at what he saw.

It wasn't possible.

Something was hanging from the birds beak.

Charlie covered his ears as the crow let out a high pitched chirp.

Suddenly, the object fell out of the beak. It was a human eye.

Charlie jumped back as he saw it hit the ground.

The crow seemed to enjoy his reaction as it spread it's wing's out.

Letting out a final chirp the bird flew away.

All Charlie could do was stare.

It was a blue eye, blood still dripping and veins connected to the end.

Slowly, he began to return to his senses. Letting out a slow breath, he walked out the door.
Charlie walked back into Tailor's office, more composed than he had been just a few moments ago.

Tailor, Sam and Heather were there, along with Damon and Jessie.

Jessie walked over to him as he entered the room.

"You all right?"

Charlie nodded. "Yeah. Just saw something. A bird, but different."

"Really?" Jessie said, nodding.

He could tell that she didn't really care, but that was fine.

Anyway, after all they had seen already, a small bird couldn't be that bad.

"So," Charlie said, clearing his throat. "Anything new happen?"

He stood there, still in the doorway. He knew he shouldn't be so energetic, but it was just how he handled these things.

Around other people, that is.