From: J.E. McClellan

Subject: [UW!] Beginning of the End part 5

Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 6:02 PM

Tailor tucked the wooden stock of the Uzi against his shoulder and depressed the trigger and scrubbed the brain pans of the zombies of any content with .45 slugs.

The zombies dropped to the ground unmoving and Tailor stepped over and around them on his way to the stairwell to the basement.

He walked cautiously down the steps and into the basement corridor he turned right at the end and passed the power room and continued on to the armory and pulled a keycard out of his jacket pocket and slid it through the card reader the large bolt clanked open and he tugged on the door entering the room and closing it behind him.

Setting the Uzi on the shelf he quickly scoured through the weapons and ammo, he dumped 5.56mm, .41, .357 sig, .44, .45, .308, and 9mm rounds into a duffel bag and then dumped spare magazines into another one including as many mags as he could find for the various peoples weapons as well as two dozen magazines for the three Colt Commandos that he slung over his shoulder.

The weight was quite a bit but Tailor was in good shape and had been taking care of himself, he quickly left the armory leaving it unlocked in case they needed to get more ammo in a hurry later on, he hoped that he wouldn’t have to enter the basement area ever again.

Walking towards the stairway leading out of the basement he heard noises coming from the morgue room and he walked stealthily over and peered through the window.

The picture that greeted his eyes wasn’t pleasant at all.

The morgue assistant was stretched out on one of the stretchers and three zombies were chewing on the yellowish-gray ropes of his entrails.

Tailor barely suppressed the urge to puke as he backed up and raced up the stairs through the detectives room and back into the reception area where he found Heather, Charlie, Sam, and Jessie as well as a teenaged boy.

With a grunt Tailor set the bags and rifles on the counter top of the reception desk and then leaned against it wearily.

“Where’s Damon,” Jessie asked?

“Dead, we found Mike Timoron gutted by some dogs in the detectives room and before we could finish them all off one ripped out his throat,” Tailor said wearily.

“Shit,” Charlie said quietly but vehemently.

“Did you find anything else,” Jessie asked?

“Yeah the morgue assistant is dead also,” Tailor told them.

“Man this just sucks,” teenaged boy said.

“Understatement of the decade,” Heather said a little sarcastically.

“What’s your name son,” Tailor asked of the teenager.

“Greg, Greg Champlain,” he said.

“I remember you now, you were one of the few people to actually survive the incident last year,” Tailor said the spark of recognition going off in his head.

“Yeah, now what the hell are we going to do to survive,” Greg said.

“Don’t know yet,” Tailor replied, “We have to wait and see if there are anymore survivors out there.”

“How you going to figure that out,” Jessie asked?

“Like this,” Tailor said and walked over to the dispatcher duty station and flipped a toggle.

“This is Chief Deputy Henry Tailor of the Arklay County Sheriff’s Department if you can hear me come to the police station immediately you have three hours and then we are leaving Racoon for good,” Tailor set the mike back down and flipped the toggle off.

“What if they don’t have a CB,” Charlie asked?

“Doesn’t matter, it also went out over the air raid speakers that are set around town,” He explained.

“What about those Umbrella guys,” Sam asked?

“We’ll be ready for them when they show up,” Tailor said patting the Commandos that lay on the desk.

“Now what,” Heather asked?

“We wait for Skyler and Cassandra to return.”
* * * * * *
Skyler eased the darkroom door open and walked in after taking a quick peek and not finding anything, he then left the room to rejoin Cassandra in the hallway and they headed back to the Reception area, as they were passing the briefing room Skyler paused tilting his head.

“What...,” Cassandra started to say but Skyler cut her off with a finger to her lips.

Then she heard it too, a slight scuffing sound as well as if someone were bumping into furniture, it was so quiet but it could still be heard.

“I thought we checked this room,” Cassandra whispered bringing her Micro Uzi up.

“We did, it must have gotten here somehow after we left,” Skyler said and without warning kicked the door off it’s hinges and sprayed the room with his Thompson cutting the stumbling zombie in the room in half, but the upper part started dragging itself by it’s hands towards them.

Cassandra made a sound of disgust and Skyler centered the Thompson on the things head and put a full burst of eight slugs in it’s head pretty much vaporizing it.

“Let’s go,” Skyler said turning and breaking into a run, he could hear the thump of Cassandra’s boots behind him as they raced for the Reception area.

They burst through the door into the reception area breathing heavy and staring down the barrels of several guns.

“Jesus, watch where the hell you’re pointing those things,” Skyler gasped out.

“Sorry,” Tailor said and reholstered his Colt.

“I see we have someone new,” Skyler said looking Greg up and down.

“Yeah, Greg this Skyler Davis and Cassandra Matthews, Skyler, Cass this is Greg Champlain,” Tailor said doing the introductions.

“Where’s Damon,” Cassandra asked?

“Dead,” Tailor said simply the look in his eyes saying he didn’t want to discuss it at the moment.

“Alright while we are waiting our three hours, I think it’s best if we get all the spare magazines loaded and the weapons ready to go, Charlie and Jessie and Cassandra will take the Commandos, the rest of you have your weapons of choice already I take it,” Tailor said questioningly?

Everyone nodded and Tailor unzipped the duffel bags and dumped their contents on the counter, everyone grabbed up extra ammo for their weapons and started reloading their spent magazines as well as filling up any empties that were in the weapons.

Fifteen minutes passed and everyone was nearly done loading the magazines that Tailor had grabbed for the Commandos everyone felt like their fingers would snap off after having to load so many round into the stiff springed magazines.

Tailor had left the room a second later and returned with a Vietnam-Era Mini-14 holding the big .308 rounds.

“An old Thunder Lizard,” Skyler said calling the gun by it’s nickname.

“Had it for about 20 years,” Tailor said quickly loading four spare magazines with experienced fingers.

Skyler had just finished thumbing the last round into a Commando clip when a loud thumping came at the front entrance.

Skyler and Tailor stood to either side of the doors and Jessie crouched in front of the them one of the Commandos tucked into her shoulder and drawing a bead on the front door.

Tailor nodded for Cassandra to open the door, she also had a Commando Clutched in one hand as she pulled the door open and peeked out, with a sigh of relief she nodded that it was okay and pulled the door the rest of the way open and let in Norris, Jackson and another man that was obviously the friend that Sam had been looking for.

All three men were sweat and blood stained and they recounted their stories quickly and then left to clean up in one of the newly installed bathrooms on the first floor.

“That makes two of us dead then,” Tailor said quietly. “Yeah Fuller was a total jerk, but that was a hard way to go,” Jessie said.

“And then Norris having to blow the man’s head off, poor guy,” Skyler said.

Cassandra nodded and they started their wait for anyone else to arrive.
* * * * * *
“I hate waiting,” Tailor growled under his breath as he paced across the floor of the reception area, he walked back and forth in front of the ugly marble fountain that sat rather incongruously in front of the reception desk..

No one else had arrived in the last forty-five minutes and he was beginning to wonder if they should just leave now.

Stopping for a second he looked around at the others in the room, Sam and his friend Eric, as well as Norris were taking showers in the one of the recently installed bathrooms on the first floor.

Heather, Sam, and Greg were playing poker using loose rounds as bargaining chips, he watched bemused as Sam folded his cards in disgust and tossed them to the floor, it seemed that Heather had been beating both boys steadily for the half-hour that they had been playing.

Charlie and Jessie were sitting by the open doorway to the uniformed officer’s bullpen on chairs that they had pulled out of the room, the two of them were talking in low tones, “probably getting to know one another better,” Tailor thought wryly.

He looked towards the front entrance of the station where Skyler and Cassandra were sitting on the three steps that led down into the main floor.

Cassandra had her head on Skyler’s shoulder he hands hanging limply on her lap draped over the Commando, Skyler was stroking her hair as they sat quietly just enjoying one another’s company.

Tailor just shook his head at the situation and continued to pace.

Behind him he heard the door to the East wing open and thought it was the others returning from their showers.
* * * * * *
Carl Garibaldi was livid with rage, so much so that his neck and face were a deep shade of crimson that could be discerned even in the flickering firelight that was cast by the burning mini-van, and a vein throbbed steadily at his temple.

So far he had lost five men, but not the creatures of Racoon but to civilians, “Civilians,” he repeated under his breath angrily.

He was standing with his men before the convenience store that the van had crashed into, around them lay the bodies of the Cerberus hounds that they had killed when they arrived, not only had they had to deal with them but also hunters, lickers, chimaeras, zombies, giant spiders, roving poison spitting plants and who knows what else they had tackled in the secluded forest and the darkened streets of Racoon and it’s deadly forest.

As Garibaldi stood surveying the situation there was a pop and hiss of static close by and all his men turned their weapons towards it.

“Zzzt....This is Chief Deputy Henry Tailor of the Arklay County Sheriff’s Department if you can hear me come to the police station immediately you have three hours and then we are leaving Racoon for good....zzzt.” and then the speaker fell silent.

Looking at his remaining nineteen men, he motioned towards the two remaining mini-vans and a black stretch limousine that they had hot-wired.

“Let’s go men, I think it’s time we payed our respects to the soon to be dearly departed,” he said and got in the back seat of the limo, his men hurried to follow and the small convoy was soon moving towards the RPD building.
Curiousier and Curiousier. Josh