From: J.E. McClellan

Subject: [UW!] beginning of the end part 4

Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 6:10 PM

“That’s the only time I think I’ll grateful to see those disgusting creatures,” Cassandra said shivering and then she pulled her Micro Uzi and a pouch holding spare magazines from the front seat.

“You and me both babe,” Skyler said sleeving sweat off of his forehead as he drove with the other hand.

“Pretty close there for awhile, hope it never gets that close again,” Cassandra said.

“Dunno, I kinda enjoyed tackling you,” he said with a devilish grin.

“You pervert,” she said in mock indignation and smacked him on the arm.

Both of them laughed letting out some of the tension that had built up over the last few minutes.

“All kidding aside it was pretty damn close,” Skyler agreed.

The two of them were quiet for the rest of the drive back to the station, parking in the lot they saw that most of the cruisers were gone and a dark gray 4x4 was parked slanted across three spaces near the gate that led into the station yard.

“I wonder where all the cruisers got off to,” Cassandra asked more of herself than an actual question.

“I don’t know but I’d like to know who’s 4x4 that is,” Skyler said and they got out, he had the Thompson in his hands as they moved towards the gate and entered the grounds.

Cassandra just shrugged and slung the musette bag filled with spare magazines over her shoulder.

The two of them walked through the gate warily but not seeing or hearing anything they relaxed and walked to the front door.

Pulling the handle it swung open on well oiled hinges, entering Skyler almost tripped over a circular saw that one of the workers had left behind in his wake earlier that day.

The front lobby was pretty much empty and quiet save for the desk clerk who was sitting back in her chair and reading a book and the dispatcher that murmured quietly into her headset.

The two of them nodded at the night receptionist who barely returned their greeting with a shrug and they entered the uniformed officer’s bullpen, they found Damon, Jessie, Charlie, and Tailor sitting at a small table off to one side sipping coffee and talking quietly to each other, off to another side of the room Sam and Heather were playing cards.

“Where have you two been,” Tailor asked standing up and stretching his tired muscles.

“Getting our asses shot off,” Skyler said and then the two of them explained what had happened then listened to the other’s stories.

“Things are definitely getting worse,” Jessie said.

“Yeah but at least there are five less Umbrella goons to deal with,” Charlie said.

“True but I’m more worried about some of Umbrella’s creatures that have escaped,” Damon added.

“We all are, and frankly I think it’s time we got the hell out of here,” Cassandra suggested.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Skyler said.

“Yeah it sounds like a good idea,” Tailor said and was about to continue when he was interrupted by the intercom. “What is it,” he growled into the intercom.

“Sir, Mazone and Kelso found Applegate and Thornton,” the dispatcher told him.

“Patch them through,” Tailor ordered.

“Tailor this is John, we found them, they’re riddled with bullet holes and then someone shot them at point blank range in the head,” Mazone told him quietly.

“How long do you think they’ve been dead,” Tailor asked?

“Not more than half an hour, the hood of their cruiser is still warm from the engine,” Mazone explained.

“Look John, I want you and Ralph to get back to the station pronto,” Tailor ordered.

“We’ll be there in a few minutes sir,” Mazone replied, “What about the bodies?”

“Leave ‘em, I...” Tailor trailed off, “What the hell is that sound John?”

“I don’t’ know let me take a look,” Mazone said laying down the mike.

As the other’s stood around the desk they heard a low whooshing sound that turned into a dull roar and then there was only static over the line.

“John, John, can you here me John,” Tailor said into the intercom.

Not getting a response he switched over to the front desk, “Diane get me back into contact with John.”

“No can do sir, they aren’t answering anymore,” the dispatcher replied.

“Alright keep me informed, okay,” Tailor said wearily.

“Yes sir.”

Tailor let off of the intercom stud and sat back in a chair.

“Anti-tank weapon, sounded like a LAWS,” Skyler said.

“That was my guess,” Damon said.

“Sorry Henry,” Jessie said laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“Four men dead so far as well as who knows how many civilians,” Tailor said gloomily.

“Don’t get so gloomy,” Skyler chided.

“How can I not be,” Tailor argued.

“Look I know you have been through a rough thing, we all have,” Skyler said.

The sound of breaking glass and high pitched screams filtered in from the lobby as they were talking and they all raced for the door weapons drawn except for Jessie and Charlie who still hadn’t gotten anymore ammo for their guns.

The sight that greeted their eyes was horrid the receptionist and dispatcher were laying dead on the u-shaped desk as two of the purple creatures with the long tongues crouched over them chewing happily on the corpses, blood was everywhere.

They reacted instantly, Tailor, Skyler, Heather, Sam, and Damon brought their guns up and started firing and didn’t stop until both creatures were dead on the ground and not even so much as twitching.

“Man, this is getting royally shitty,” Heather complained.

“How the hell did they get in,” Damon asked looking around?

“Shit the skylight,” Tailor said pointing with the muzzle of his gun as he slipped a fresh magazine into the butt of the gun.

“Anyway we can cover it up,” Skyler asked?

“As a matter of fact there is, originally the RPD had security shutters over all of the windows but they kept malfunctioning so that was the first thing that I replaced I also had them install them over all of the windows,” Tailor explained and walked into the reception desk trying to avoid the puddled blood but still his boots squelched too much for his liking and he put a hand under the counter edge and groped around for a few seconds and then found the half-dozen toggle switches that were inset on the underside of the desk.

They all heard the rumble of metal as heavy steel shutters slammed home over all of the windows in the building hopefully cutting it off to outside influences.

“Let’s hope that takes care of that,” Tailor said standing up and walking gingerly back to the others.

“Probably not, we need to check and see if anyone else is in the building with us,” Damon suggested.

“True, why don’t we split up,” Cassandra added.

“Good idea, Damon and I will check the basement and get some extra ammo for everyone, Charlie and Jessie since you guys are pretty much out of ammo you wait here with Sam and Heather, but there is some extra ammo in the locker in there and I want you two to stay alert, Skyler, Cassandra you take the first floor, and then we’ll all meet back here and distribute ammo and then we’ll all search the second floor, agreed,” Tailor said.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Skyler said nodding.

“No problem I’ve had all the excitement I can take for one night,” Jessie said and Charlie nodded his agreement.

“Okay let’s get on it,” Tailor said and he and Damon headed for the door that was diagonally opposite from the one they had just exited.
* * * * * *
“You know before I came to Racoon City I never believed in zombies,” Damon said conversationally to Tailor.

“I know what you mean, plus these green creatures that are running around, and those long-tongued bastards and those nasty dogs,” Tailor replied barely suppressing a shudder as they walked towards the double-doors that led into the detectives room.

“Let’s get the ammo and get the hell back to the others,” Damon said tugging on the door handle and opening the door.

“I’m for that,” Tailor said to himself.

Unfortunately what greeted them was a gutted Detective and Cerberus hounds, they reacted instantly and started firing, Tailor’s Commander boomed and Damon’s ‘Borrowed’ Uzi stuttered out rounds that blew two of the dogs back against the wall, the third one Tailor shot in the head but, his and Damon’s shots weren’t quick enough to get the fourth one and it was on Damon and ripping his throat out in an instant, Tailor emptied his 9mm into it’s side and it yelped once as the heavy round kicked into it.

“You son of a bitch,” Tailor growled and kicked the dead dog viciously.

Kneeling next to Damon he saw it was too late and the man was already dead, Tailor cursed and closed the man’s staring eyes with shaking fingers.

“You were a good man Jack,” Tailor whispered to the cordite filled room.

Standing up Tailor reloaded his handgun and slipped it into his holster and then picked up the Uzi that had dropped from Damon’s fingers and slapped in a fresh mag.

Determinedly he walked to the door that led into a short hall before reaching the corridor that led to the basement and opened the door walking through and was greeted by a horrid stench of death and decay as half a dozen zombies stumbled towards him with outstretched arms and they mouthed gurgling, hungry moans as they walked towards him.

Tailor wondered where they had come from and then saw that the carpet was littered with glass, and figured that they had broken through the windows before the shutters had been closed.
Hope I didn't take too much liberty with someone's character if so, tell me. Josh