From: J.E. McClellan

Subject: [UW!] Beginning of the end part 3

Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 8:18 PM

Skyler and Cassandra were leaving the facility and walking towards the car discussing what the Umbrella agent had told them, and debating about what to do next.

“How much of what he said did you believe,” Skyler asked her?

“Oh I’d say about 90%,” Cassandra said after pondering for a moment.

“Same here, I....,” Skyler was distracted by a speeding van that whipped past the holding facility and didn’t finish what he was about to say.

“I wonder what their big hurry is,” Cassandra said.

“Who knows,” he shrugged, “now what was I saying.”

“Something about agreeing with me,” Cassandra said walking again and not realizing that Skyler wasn’t following her. “What’s wrong,” she asked and was knocked behind a parked cruiser by Skyler.

The dark blue mini-van had returned and screeched to a halt and the sliding door popped open and a man holding and H&K G3A4 stood in the doorway and opened up on them.

Broken safety glass peppered them as they ducked down and covered their heads the Crown Vic rocked on it’s suspension as the sustained weapons fire riddled it’s sheet metal body.

“Who the hell are these guys,” Cassandra yelled over the yammering of the automatic weapon.

“My guess would be Umbrella,” Skyler yelled back.

“Just great and most of our firepower is in the car,” Cassandra groused.

“Tell you what, maybe if you ask them nicely they’ll stop shooting long enough for us to get the other guns from the car,” Skyler said sarcastically.

“Don’t be such a prick,” Cassandra told him annoyed at his tone.

“Sorry, I just feel like kicking myself for not taking our guns with us,” he apologized.

“Nothing wrong with that,” Cassandra said.

They laid for a few seconds more waiting for the man to run out of ammo but seconds before he did another automatic weapon opened up and they tried to pull the pavement up over themselves to avoid the zinging bullets that pinged off the body and ricocheted off of the ground.

“What the heck is going on out here,” one of the holding facilities guards asked as he barged out the door a riot gun in his hands.

The first gun started firing again and picked the man up and dumped him back in the doorway dead or dying Skyler wasn’t sure which it was but things were looking pretty grim for them, and then he heard something under the sound of automatic weapons and he peeked under the now bullet riddled cruiser and saw several sets of canine paws the long ragged nails clicking on the blacktop and madly enough he could hear that ‘tick’ ‘tick’ sound even above the weapons fire.

He watched as the dogs charged at the van and a couple jumped in attacking the men standing in the door, it started moving at breakneck speed and then slammed into a store front, the men had managed to kill a few of the dogs but more and more of them started showing up and soon the weapons fire died off to be replaced by the screams of the men as they were savaged by the skinned dogs.

“What’s going on,” Cassandra asked?

“No time to explain, move, move,” he said grabbing her by the hand and pulling her to her feet and then pushing her towards the car as he pulled out his Baby Eagle and trained it on the now wrecked and burning van he could vaguely see canine forms and the fountaining of blood as they ripped into the Umbrella men, the screams had died down to a few wet blood filled gurgles and then finally stopped as they jumped into the car and pulled away.

The Monte Carlo fish-tailed for almost a block before Skyler finally got it under control and had it pointed in the right direction.
* * * * * *
Charlie knew he was going to die as he raised the Mossberg and started pumping and pulling, finally it clicked on a empty bolt and he tossed it aside and pulled out his handgun and started placing his shots with a little more care and was rewarded by several zombified heads snapping back and brains and blood splattering.

Beside Charlie Jessie Vasquez aimed and fired running through her first full load taking down a zombie with each shot, she hurriedly dumped the empty brass and slapped in a fresh speedloader and took up her firing stance again, she only had two more full speed loaders and she didn’t know how many shots Charlie had left but she felt it wasn’t very many.

Several moment’s passed but it felt like several hours to both Charlie and Jessie, finally the hammer of Jessie’s Ruger fell on an empty chamber and she reholstered it and picked up a piece of rusting pipe that was laying on the ground.

A few seconds later Charlie’s slide blew back and they both waded in bashing skulls, Charlie used the butt of the Mossberg and Jessie the pipe she had picked up.

The two of them had finally fought their way out into the street but were still surrounded on all sides, just as both thought they were going to go down fighting and engine revved up and four halogens on a rollbar popped to life and the large 4x4 raced towards them and the person driving turned the wheel and slammed on the brakes smashing through and riding over the wall of zombies that separated them.

The crunch of bones and splatter of blood didn’t seem to faze the driver as he popped open the passenger doors for them.

“Thanks whoever you are,” Charlie said and finally got a look at the driver of the vehicle.

“Damon how the hell did you get here,” Jessie said slamming her door shut only moments before a crowd of zombies enclosed the vehicle.

“Oh, I ran into some Umbrella goons who thought it would be nice to ventilate me and my car but I killed them and hotwired this ride,” He explained grinning boyishly but he quickly sobered up as he surveyed the crowd of zombies surrounding the vehicle.“Thing have definitely gone down hill really quickly,” he said.

“Where the heck did all these zombies come from,” Charlie asked?

“Well I was reading a file before I was so rudely interrupted by those Umbrella goons,” Damon started to say, “it seems a lot of the bodies were never found from the first incident, and you know how large Racoon Forest is, you could hide an aircraft carrier in there and never find it.”

“Yeah, that’s the truth,” Jessie said nodding.

“What’s the situation in the rest of town,” Charlie asked?

“Not good, on my way here I heard plenty of screams and gunshots but you guys are the only human beings I’ve seen so far,” He told them.

“Let’s get back to the station,” Jessie suggested.

“My thoughts exactly,” Damon said and put the 4x4 in gear and bulldozed his way through the zombies remorselessly smashing them under the tires of the vehicle.

“I could use something to eat,” Charlie said.

“After all that you’re hungry,” Jessie said astonished.

“Almost dying makes a man hungry,” Charlie said.

“Yeah you guys could use a shower too,” Damon said wrinkling his nose at the horrid stench that their blood and gore splattered bodies was giving off.

“Complain, complain,” Jessie said teasingly and then sat back wearily in her seat.

“Hey what would you do if I didn’t,” he said before turning back to the road in front of him.
* * * * * *
“Man I hate this shit,” Fuller whined to Norris as they drove down the road.

Norris just kept quiet and wished the man would stop bitching, he had done it non-stop ever since they had left the police station.

“What the hell is that thing,” Fuller screamed as the cruiser hurtled towards a dark green blob that was in the road, the car impacted with the shape and it flipped up over the hood slammed into the roof denting it and then slid down over the trunk.

Norris slammed on the brakes and they skidded for fifty feet before rocking to a stop, both of them were out the doors in a second with riot guns in hand.

Norris looked at the area behind them and saw nothing of the green shape that they had hit, he turned back when he heard Fuller’s high pitched scream, the green thing they had hit had just gutted Fuller and was now turning towards Norris.

“SHIT!” he exclaimed and brought the riot gun up emptying all six shells into, the thing hissed at him once and hit the ground dead.

Norris ran over to where Fuller lay against the back tire of the Cruiser.

“Oh crap,” he said seeing Fuller sitting their holding his intestines in with one hand.

“H...hh..ho..w bb..aad it,” Fuller asked and blood ran down from his mouth and coughed spurting dark arterial fluid onto the black pavement now red with his blood.

“It’s gonna be okay man,” Norris said not knowing what to really say.

“Don’t lie to me Hank,” Fuller said managing to get the sentence out without coughing.

Norris shook his head and kneeled down by the man, “It’s bad Dave I shouldn’t have lied to you, you’re dying,” he said the last phrase filled with anguish.

“I kn....know I...I’ve been an as..asshole, and I’m sorry,” Fuller said coughing up more blood.

“It’s alright Dave, don’t worry about,” Norris said trying to comfort the dying man.

“You were always a bad liar Hank,” Fuller said coughing up a glob of red mucus and spitting it out, grinning he clasped Norris’s hand, “Thanks for sticking around man.”

“It’s the only thing I could do Dave, I’m sorry,” Norris said shaking his head.

“I...ha...ave one request Hank,” Fuller said he was coughing even more blood up now and was shaking all over as if he were in the midst of a fit.

“Anything,” Norris said.

“Do me in the head right now, so I don’t come back as one of them,” he asked pleadingly sadness in his eyes.

“I don’t know if I can do it Dave,” Norris said.

“Please, as my friend do it,” Fuller begged.

“Alright,” Norris said with tears in his eyes as he stood up and pulled out his sidearm and put it against Fuller’s head.

“Thank you,” Fuller breathed out.
Fuller’s head jerked back the cruiser behind his head splattered by blood as he slid sideways onto the roadway dead.

“I’m sorry Dave,” Norris said and stumbled back to the front of the car and got in driving off towards the RPD building.
A little bit of feed back please, tell me what you think. Josh.