From: J.E. McClellan

Subject: [UW!] Beginning of the end part 2

Date: Thursday, September 16, 1999 3:12 PM

“Aw, shit,” Tailor said as Skyler moved towards the door.

“What’s wrong,” he asked?

“I just remembered that a cop from LAPD is coming to pick up a prisoner,” Tailor said glancing at his watch, “matter of fact he should be here soon.”

“Okay you stay here, Cassandra and I’ll go have a little chat with our friend,” he said and motioned to Cassandra to follow him.

“Fuller and I are going to go cruise around,” Norris said and left the room followed by a sullen Fuller.

“I’m going to go talk to some friends,” Jackson said and left.

“We’re going to go cruising around ourselves,” Vasquez taking the keys for the Sable that Skyler had given Charlie and she grabbed his arm pulling him towards the door.

Charlie had a confused look on his face as he was hauled out the door.

Tailor and Damon chuckled at that and then talked for a few moments.

“I better go get my office buttoned up before things really hit the fan,” he said and left waving goodbye to Sam, Tailor, and Heather.

“What now,” Sam asked?

“I don’t know Sam,” Tailor said, “How longs your mother been missing,” he asked him.

“A couple days now,” Sam answered.

“We’ll find her don’t worry Sam,” Tailor said sitting down behind his desk and flipping a folder open and started reading.

“I doubt that very much,” Sam whispered quietly to himself.

As Tailor read the file folder Sam, settled further into the small sofa in the office, Heather was laying on the cot that was sitting on the other side of the room.
* * * * * *
Carl Garibaldi was brooding as he sat in the passenger seat of the lead van that was headed for the Racoon Retreat.

“What’s wrong sir,” Lt. Krieger asked?

“I don’t like this city, we already lost two teams including Mikhail and Nicholai last time we sent people in here,” Garibaldi told the man.

“Mikhail and Nicholai were close friends of yours weren’t they,” Krieger asked?

“Yes and because of that Valentine bitch they are both dead,” Garibaldi said angrily the hate and loathing he held for the former STARS member evident in his voice.

Krieger just nodded his head and fell silent again and soon they reached the Racoon Retreat.

The three vans pulled to a stop and the two dozen men jumped out and formed up.

“Alright men, our job here tonight is to destroy this place, and leave nothing behind, then we will move into the city and kill anything that moves, and then torch the forest and town,” Garibaldi said briefing them. “Any questions,” he asked?

None were asked and he nodded his head feeling pleased, “Burn it down,” he ordered and the men split into three eight man teams and started pouring gasoline on the buildings and then lighting them on fire with the portable flamethrowers they had brought.

Garibaldi’s ugly face was lit by somber red and orange flames as he impassively watched the buildings of the Racoon Retreat burn to the ground.

“It’s a beginning,” he thought to himself and started thinking over plans on how to kill Racoon’s remaining citizens.

The screech of tires and the yowl of sirens cut off Garibaldi’s thoughts and he turned around to find an RPD police cruising slamming to a halt and two officer’s got out hiding behind their doors.

“FREEZE POLICE, DROP YOUR WEAPONS ON THE GROUND NOW AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD,” the driver of the police car ordered as he and his partner crouched behind their doors guns drawn.

“I don’t think so,” Garibaldi said his lip curling into a sneer and he made a hand gesture to one of his men hiding in the shadows.


The automatic weapons fire sounded like silk tearing as the two officers danced and juddered as steel jacket round pounded into their bodies and crimson blossoms soaked through their shirts.

The two weapons stopped firing and Garibaldi walked up pulling his 1991a1 out and put a round through each of the dead cops foreheads.

“Burn them,” he ordered and walked back to the van lighting up a cigarette and watched as his men finished the job of burning down the Retreat.
* * * * * *
Bzzzz! Tailor looked up from the folder he had been reading and pushed the intercom button in, “Yeah what is it Ceilia,” he asked?

“Sir, Thornton and Applegate haven’t checked in lately,” the Dispatcher told him.

“Just what I needed,” he grumbled and then thumbed the intercom button again, “Send Mazon and Kelso out to check on them,” he ordered.

“Yes, Sir,” the dispatcher said.

“What’s wrong,” Heather asked sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“Two cops have just gone missing as well as that bus I asked that LAPD cop to look for,” Tailor told her.

“This is just getting worse,” Sam said.

“No doubt about it, and I don’t think all of us are going to make it,” Tailor said.

“Gee thanks for the cheery thoughts,” Heather said sarcastically.

Tailor just shrugged and everyone went back to doing what they had been before the intercom rang.
* * * * * *
“Just a few more things to tidy up and then I can get the hell out of here and back to the station,” Damon thought to himself.

Damon was standing in the front office of the field office right in front of the large plate glass window when he saw a car driving by he ignored it and continued going through the papers on the table in front of him.

Not paying attention he didn’t notice the car was back until he heard the revving engine and saw the headlights racing right for the window, it crashed through the plate glass shattering and sending shards spinning through the air and he just enough time to throw himself over the receptionists desk.

The cars engine stalled and he popped up from behind the desk and put three rounds into the drivers side of the window and was rewarded by a sharp pain filled scream and then cussing from the passenger side as another man leapt out and tried to bring an Uzi to bear on him, Damon shot him twice the first round entered his knee cap and the second one went through his forehead.

Waiting tensely for several seconds Damon finally stood up and walked around to the dead man on the carpet, a small trail of cordite smoke still wafted from his .45 and was fanned away by the breeze coming through the shattered window.

Bending over he picked up the Uzi and searched the man for spare magazines, he found three, leaving the building he jogged into the alleyway that his car was parked in and found it riddled with bullets the radiator was hissing quietly as fluids dripped onto the ground and all four tires were flatter than pancakes.

“Just lovely now I’m going to have to hoof it back to the station,” he grumbled and started off to the station on foot.
* * * * * *
All over Racoon city things were going from bad to worse as the escaped Umbrella creatures killed and destroyed indiscriminately, and the UBCT men killed even more people, zombies and hell hounds the streets and back alleys freely, as screams and gunshots rang out frequently, since the destruction of Racoon City the year before there were only about three hundred people left in Racoon, and most of those died within the first hour.
* * * * * *
“Alright, I want you to tell me what Umbrella has planned,” Skyler ordered the man who had tried to kill Heather a few days before.

“I ain’t telling you nothin,” the man said and spit.

“Isn’t that a double negative,” Skyler asked Cassandra?

“Tsk, Tsk, bad grammar and manners,” she said looking at the glob of spittle that had landed on her boot, the boot suddenly swung through the air and impacted in the man’s stomach and bent over retching and holding his stomach.

“You can’t do that, you’re cops,” he managed to gasp out.

“Yeah and you’re a piece of shit that tried to kill a little girl,” Skyler growled yanking the man’s head up by his hair so that they were eye to eye.

The man cringed at what he saw in Skyler’s gray eyes.

Total and utter coldness as well as his own impending death if he didn’t cooperate fully.

“Alright, alright, I’ll talk just don’t hurt me anymore,” the man whined.

Disgusted at the way the man was acting Skyler let go of the man’s hair and let his head fall down to his chest.

After some more prompting, none of it very nice, the man finally coughed up all the information they needed and the two of them left the holding facility and headed back to the station.
* * * * * *
Jessie and Charlie were slowly being surrounded by the zombies as they backed into the alley, finally their back smacked into the cold concrete of a wall and they faced the zombies with guns drawn, Jessie had her Ruger and Charlie had the Mossberg that Tailor had given him.

“Hey Charlie,” Jessie said over the moaning of the zombies.

“Yeah Jessie,” Charlie asked.

“Can I give you something,” she asked?

“Sure as long as it doesn’t take to long,” he said.

Not saying another word she spun Charlie around and kissed him full on the lips.

Charlie was dazed at the odd occurrence.

“Okay now pay attention as we kill some zombies,” Jessie said lifting her Ruger.

Charlie just nodded dumbly and racked the slide of the Mossberg.