Subject: [UW!] Average Day In Racoon.

From: "Joshua McClellan"

Date: Sat, 28 August 1999 10:01 PM EDT

Message-id: <01bef1c0$f3211900$b4248fd1@default>

Well here we go; Hang on tight.

Skyler took the off-ramp for Racoon City and went around a curve in the

ramp to find an Umbrella Corporation Relief Van sitting their. He deftly

hit the brakes and swerved into the gaurd rail to avoid hitting it, knowing

that if he had the engine of his car would end up in his lap after

impacting with the large Grumman Kurbmaster.

There was a loud crunch and he was jerked against his seatbelt. Skyler sat

for several seconds, his hands were white knuckled on the steering wheel

and he knew if he let go that they would be shaking. Inhaling deeply for a

couple minutes he finally let go and popped the catch on the belt. Reaching

for the door handle he jerked back almost into the passenger seat as a face

appeared at the driver's side window, "cripe," he swore softly under his

breath as he realized it was just the driver of the UCR Van.

"You okay Mister," the young worried looking man asked as Skyler climbed

out of the car?

"I'm fine," he told him but was drowned out by the man's nervous and very

long but sincere apology for causing his crash.

Finally he finished and Skyler got a word in, "like I said it's alright,

don't worry about it."

"Can I give you a lift into town Mister," the young man asked?

"Sure, let me get my stuff first," Skyler told him and walked to the back

of the Mercury and popped the trunk, he pulled out a small suitcase, a

duffel bag, a briefcase, and the hard plastic case that held his Brazzi 16

gauge shotgun.

"We can put your stuff in the back of the van, I'm really sorry that I was

stopped but I had a flat tire and I just didn't think, I know I should have

pulled further off of the road," the young man babbled as he pulled the

door up on the back of his van and layed Skyler's stuff in the nearly empty


Skyler just smiled reassuringly and they both climbed into the van. There

was only one seat so Skyler had to stand up all the way into Racoon City

where the driver deposited him in front of the RCPD building.

Before going into the large ornate building he pulled out his Iridium

satellite phone and tapped in a number, the person on the other end picked

up after the third ring.

"Yeah Dave, it's Skyler, I'm in Racoon City but I need another set of

wheels," and he went on to tell his friend what had happened.

"Okay man, I'll check the local newspapers and see if they have any decent

cars for sale," Dave Kalaski replied.

Putting the phone away Skyler picked up his gear and walked into the

Police Station. Upon entering the building he was accosted by the sound of

people shouting and constructions work going on. As he approached the desk

that was sitting behind a fountain on a raised dais at the back of the room

he saw a harried looking desk sergeant that was being yelled at or talked

at by no less than six people at one time. Skyler caught the man's eye for

a second and asked him his question and the Sergeant just grunted and

jerked his thumb towards a door set in the wall behind him.

As Skyler walked through the door he saw that the floors and walls were

bloodstained and bullet riddled as were several pieces of furniture. He

then walked into an office with several broken windows that looked out over

what had once been a bullpen for officers, the door looked as if someone

had blown the lock off with a shotgun.

Behind the desk sat Deputy Sheriff Henry Tailor his chocolate brown

forehead wrinkled as he listened intently to the person who was on the


"Yes Mrs. Danitch I'll send an deputy around as soon as I can," he said in

a reassuring voice.

Hanging up the phone he noticed Skyler for the first time, "Something I

can help you with," he asked?

"I'm Skyler Davis, my lawyer said you would have the spare keys to my

sister's house."

"Oh yes, here they," Tailor said pulling a set of keys out of the center

drawer of the bullet scarred desk.

"Who was that you were on the phone with," Skyler inquired?

"Old Mrs. Danitch one of the few people to survive whatever the hell

happened in this town, it's amazing she is one of the crankiest meaniest

people in town and she survives, while people like your sister end up

dead," Tailor said moodily.

"Yeah, I know the type," Skyler said.

"Did you need a ride to your sister's place," Tailor asked, "I noticed you

had your luggage with you."

"I would certainly appreciate it, I had a slight accident on the

off-ramp," Skyler said by way of explanation.

"Well you can tell me about it on the way to your sister's house," Tailor

said and stood up pulling a stetson off the hat rack behind him and placing

it on his head. "I need to get out of this place, I only have a dozen

deputies, and half a dozen state troopers here to help me out, as well as a

bunch of FBI, ATF, CIA and god only knows what other agencies running

around here, and half the time my deputies have to pull them off of each

other before they can kill one another."

"Sound interesting," Skyler mused with a grin.

"Ain't that the truth," Tailor said running his assessment of Skyler up a


"Come on I'll take you myself," and Tailor led Skyler back out onto the

street and help him put his luggage into the trunk of the Arklay County

Sheriff's Department car and then they both climbed in. On the way to

Dorothy Davis' house the two men talked quite a bit realizing they both had

a lot in common and Tailor dropped Skyler off with a promise to pick him up

so they could go out for some beers later that night.

Skyler waved good bye to the Deputy Sheriff and unlocked the front door of

his sister's house and went int.

(Stayed tuned for the next segment, as soon as I can get it written that
