Subject: (UW!) Arriving In Raccoon...

From: "ZombieEater"

Date: Mon, 30 August 1999 06:04 PM EDT

Message-id: <7qev9v$214k$>

Here's something that I came up with. It didn't take long to write, so be



Charlie looked out the window of the large 747. They were almost there.

Raccoon City. Soon the plane would land them at Raccoon Airport and it would

be like old times. At least, he hoped so. It had been so long since that

summer night nearly four years ago when he had decided to leave. College had

seemed like a good idea at the time. But it just wasn't him. He only had a

year left, but the pressure had really gotten to him.

A voice came over his thoughts. "We are now beginning our descent into

Raccoon City." It was the Captain's. "Today looks great, with a high of 75

and low of 40. Your baggage carousal is number 5. Please, enjoy your stay in

Raccoon City."

Charlie turned to the man sitting next to him. He had wished to have a seat

by himself, but apparently that wasn't possible. The man had to weigh

somewhere near 300 pounds and smelled as if something had just died. He

tried to ignore it, though, as he thought about seeing his hometown again.

First he would drop his bags off at the hotel, then visit his mother. Since

this was practically a last minute decision, he would have to look for an

apartment soon. Perhaps somewhere in the middle of the city.

The plane concluded it's landing, and soon the seat belt sign turned off.

Charlie sat up and grabbed his bag from the compartment overhead. The wait

to get off the plane seemed to last forever, but finally he set foot in the

airport. It wasn't much. Since Raccoon was such a small town, there really

was much need for an international airport. He quickly got his baggage and

walked over to a pay phone.

"Might as well see if I can get a hold of her." Charlie said, as he inserted

35 cents into the phone. He dialed the number and waited. Nothing. Not even

an answering machine. This was getting strange. He had tried calling her for

weeks, but no one ever seemed to be there. He had even tried calling his

sister, Margaret, but she seemed to be gone as well.

Charlie couldn't take it anymore. Something was in fact wrong, and he had to

find out what. Forgetting about the hotel, he hailed a taxi and told the

driver to take him to her address.

After several minutes of driving, he paid the driver and got out. The place

was a mess. It looked like no one had lived in the house for years. Every

window was broken and the door seemed to be kicked in. Walking up to the

door, he pulled his knife out of one of his bags. He didn't know if anyone

was in the house, but he wanted to be safe.

Charlie peered into the living room, but couldn't see anything. Even though

every window was busted, all the drapes were pulled down. The air smelled

bitter, as if it hadn't been breathed for a while. Checking every room, he

couldn't find anything. It looked like everyone just left. He looked at a

door that hadn't been open yet. It led to the basement, but was the only one

that was closed. Slowly, he opened the door, turned on a light, and looked

down the stairs.

"What the hell?" Charlie said as he saw it. "A dead body!" This was were the

odor had come from. Taking the stairs two at a time, he quickly made it

down. It didn't appear to be anyone he knew. But they had been dead for

quite a while, based on the amount of decay. "This doesn't make sense." He

said as he turned to face the door. "How did this body get here?" It was

possible that it had been dumped here, but that still didn't answer his


Suddenly, Charlie felt something move near him. Turning, he saw something

that had to be impossible! The body, clearly dead, was crawling toward him.

He didn't know what to do, but instinctively he walked back toward the

stairs. But the, thing, was faster than anticipated and quickly grabbed his

foot as he started to climb. Falling forward, he couldn't believe what was

happening. Then he looked at his hand, at his knife. Swiping at the hand, he

felt it lose it's grip.

Not wanting to waste another second, Charlie ran out of the basement and

outside of the house. He ran for several blocks, not knowing where to go.

What exactly happened back there! There were just too many things that had

happened in Raccoon City, that he didn't know. Catching his breath, it

appeared that everyone was staring at him. He hadn't realized that he ran so

far. I need answers, he thought to himself. Maybe the police can help. He

started off, and stopped again, remembering his things. There was no way in

hell that he was going back to that house. Not alone anyway.



Well, that's all I have now. :)
