Subject: [UW!] Another Dissapearence

From: (Hypno55307)

Date: Mon, 30 August 1999 08:47 PM EDT

Message-id: <>

Sam Forbes headed down the streets of Racoon City. The sun was shining and

birds chirped in the sky. Sam had just finished his shift at the local

bookstore and now he was heading home.

Sam turned off the main street and headed down the side street. After a

minute of walking, he turned onto another street. The RPD loomed ahead of him.

Sam headed over to a bnuilding across the street from the police station and

walked up the stairs.

He got his key out and unlocked the door.

"Mom, I'm home!" Sam called to his mother.

The apartment was strangely silent.

"Mom?" Sam called again, getting worried.

Still nothing. Sam was now pretty much panicking. His mother worked at the

local high school, she was a cook in the cafeteria. It wasn't too bad, he got

all school lunches for free.

'But,' Sam reminded himself, 'She dosn't work during the summer.' And even

though school would be starting soon, in a week to be exact, she almost never

left the apartment during the summer. Sam did most of the shopping. And when

his mother did leave, she left a note on top of the kitchen table.

Sam hurried into the kitchen, and paniced when he saw that the kitchen

table was empty, no note, not even a speck of dirt. He turned and went outside

of the apartment. It was probably nothing, his mother had just gone out without

leaving a note, but something was telling Sam that she hadn't gone out.

He could tell that something was wrong.
