Subject: [UW!][WG] Agent Davin Essburke

From: Michael Schmidt

Date: Fri, 03 September 1999 02:11 AM EDT

Message-id: <7qnp1l$>

Name: Agent Davin Essburke

Author: The Aquashark


Age: 35

Personality: Very quiet and secretive. Can come on as being menacing

when he wants to, but has a very nerve-wracked personality. Does his

job, and usually comes off pretty well. Has a great fear of Chimeras.

Appearance: 6'0", Blond hair (slicked down), blue eyes, around 180 lbs.

Has a small frame but muscular. Has a chunk of his left bicep taken out.

Has a great fear of Chimeras.

Occupation: Umbrella employee(aware of the dirty work), but has a cover

in the city as an agent of the FBI

Background: This man arrived in Raccoon recently under the cover of

being an FBI Agent. He spends most of his day in his office. Knows quite

a lot about the Umbrella coverups, seeing that he is a sort of

"enforcer" for Umbrella... he ties up the "loose ends". Has a knowledge

of biochemistry. Has been stuck in his office lately, with all of the

strange events going on.

Weapons: AMT Bull's-Eye Target (.45 caliber, I believe) on his hip

holster, also carries a Glock 22 on a leg holster.