Subject: [UW!] [WG] Asellus Bradley

From: marius450@aol.communism (...)

Date: Mon, 06 September 1999 05:28 PM EDT

Message-id: <>

Name: Asellus Asenath Bradley

Author: Marius


Age: 22

Personality: Brooding... misanthropic... anti-social... call her what you will,

she's not exactly a "people person". Extremely intelligent, but erring in her

judgement often, mostly in dealing with others. She comes across as arrogant,

condescending, and bitter, but it's only her inability to deal with her own

self, and thus people in general. Unwilling to conform to.. well just about

anything she breaks rules whenever possible and goes against the grain of any

kind of authority whatsoever.

Appearance: 5"9" Her hair is limp and oily, greased with hairgel to keep it

spiky and mishapen. Her hair is short, dyed bluish, violet streaks running

down the side. Your average punk girl, her ears pierced multiple times, when

in casual dress she wears a hat turned backwards. She often wears too much

eyeliner which gives her a brooding and miserable look. She dresses in baggy

clothes, unbecoming of her body, which is small but strong. While at work she

is clad in the standard lab dress, though her appearance remains decidedly


Occupation: Student/Intern - Major: Chemistry/Biology

Background: Focusing on her studies to the exclusion of all social pursuits

she's gained quite a decent academic record and recently has signed on with the

enigmatic Umbrella corporation, following in her father's footsteps. Her

father, Dr. Andrew Bradley, was relocated a number of years previous due to

"undetermined circumstances" and hasn't been in contact with her since.

Working with Umbrella's ample research grant, she hopes to take up school again

the following year.

Weapons: None... yet.

Hope that's all in order.
